Homes for Disabled and Destitute Children 

As per Section 2 (14) (iv) of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act), a child who is mentally ill or mentally or physically challenged or suffering from terminal or incurable disease, having no one to support or look after or having parents or guardians unfit to take care, if found so by the Juvenile Justice Board or the Child Welfare Committee, is included as a “child in need of care and protection” (CNCP), among others and Section 2(14) (vi) of the JJ Act, defines CNCP as ones who does not have parents and no one is willing to take care of, or whose parents have abandoned or surrendered him.

The primary responsibility of execution of the Act lies with the State/UTs. As per the information provided by the State/UT Governments including Telangana, as on date, the number of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) including children with special needs registered under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000/2015 in the country is at Annexure-I.

However, SwadharGreh Scheme is being implemented as a sub-scheme of the Centrally Sponsored Umbrella Scheme “Protection and Empowerment of Women”.  The State/UT-wise number of Homes under the SwadharGreh Scheme is at Annexure-II.

Funds in the form of ‘Grants-in-Aid’ are provided by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to the States/UTs under Child Protection Services (CPS) scheme for CCIs. Additional financial support is given for the CCIs having children with special needs i.e. children who are either affected by substance abuse or who are mentally or physically challenged. The scheme provides for purchase of specialisedequipments and materials like psychological test materials, training materials for speech and language, teaching materials wheel chairs, crutches, etc. The fund sanctioned for the construction of such homes are demand driven and financial assistance is provided to only those States/UTs who submits their proposal for the same. Fund sanctioned and utilized during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Telenganawhich are being supported under the CPS is at Annexure-III.

The funds under SwadharGreh Scheme are being released through State Governments. No funds have been sanctioned and utilized for construction of such homes during the last three years and the current year under this scheme. Most of the homes are functioning in rented buildings.




State/UTs Institutional Care [Homes] Open Shelters Specialised Adoption Agencies
No. Assisted No. Assisted No. Assisted
1 Andhra Pradesh 66 13 14
2 Arunachal Pradesh 4 0 1
3 Assam 37 3 23
4 Bihar 26 5 13
5 Chhattisgarh 65 10 12
6 Goa 23 3 2
7 Gujarat 45 0 12
8 Haryana 24 21 7
9 Himachal Pradesh 33 3 1
10 Jammu and Kashmir 17 0 2
11 Jharkhand 36 5 15
12 Karnataka 80 40 25
13 Kerala 30 4 12
14 Madhya Pradesh 67 8 26
15 Maharashtra 67 3 13
16 Manipur 42 14 7
17 Meghalaya 44 3 3
18 Mizoram 36 0 5
19 Nagaland 39 3 4
20 Odisha 96 12 23
21 Punjab 13 0 0
22 Rajasthan 85 22 24
23 Sikkim 12 3 4
24 Tamil Nadu 189 12 20
25 Tripura 23 2 6
26 Uttar Pradesh 77 20 12
27 Uttarakhand 20 2 2
28 West Bengal 73 49 32
29 Telangana 42 0 11
30 Andaman & Nicobar 3
31 Chandigarh 7 0 2
32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
33 Daman and Diu 0
34 Lakshadweep
35 Delhi 28 13 3
36 Puducherry 27 2 2
  Total 1476 275 338

The State/UT-wise number of CCIs including children with special need under CPS Scheme as on 31.03.2019.



The State/UT-wise number of Homes under the SwadharGreh Scheme

S. No.  State/UT Number of SwadharGreh
1 Andhra Pradesh 29
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1
3 Assam 16
4 Chhattisgarh 3
5 Gujarat 4
6 Jammu and Kashmir 3
7 Jharkhand 3
8 Karnataka 51
9 Kerala 7
10 Madhya Pradesh 16
11 Maharashtra 50
12 Manipur 23
13 Meghalaya 2
14 Mizoram 11
15 Nagaland 2
16 Odisha 55
17 Punjab 2
18 Rajasthan 6
19 Sikkim 1
20 Tamil Nadu 35
21 Tripura 4
22 Uttar Pradesh 13
23 Uttarakhand 4
24 West Bengal 48
25 Telangana 19
26 Andaman & Nicobar 1
27 Chandigarh 1
28 NCT of Delhi 2
29 Puducherry 1
Total 413




Homes for Disabled and Destitute Children                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Amount of Lakhs

Sl. No. Name of the State Construction of Homes 2016-17 Construction of Homes 2017-18 Construction of Homes 2018-19 Construction of Homes 2019-20
No. Assisted (Construction) Amount Released Amount Utilized No. Assisted (Construction) Amount Released Amount Utilized No. Assisted (Construction) Amount Released Amount Utilized No. Assisted (Construction) Amount Released Amount Utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 4 185.01 0.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh
3 Assam
4 Bihar 5 298.05 298.05
5 Chhattisgarh 10 682.11 0.00
6 Goa 1 52.47 0.00
7 Gujarat 5 262.35 0.00
8 Haryana 2 104.94 0.00
9 Himachal Pradesh
10 Jammu and Kashmir
11 Jharkhand
12 Karnataka 6 282.74 186.61
13 Kerala 1 43.54 43.54
14 Madhya Pradesh
15 Maharashtra
16 Manipur
17 Meghalaya
18 Mizoram
19 Nagaland 2 157.41 157.41 1 55.09 55.09 1 23.61 23.61
20 Odisha
21 Punjab
22 Rajasthan 2 104.94 0.00
23 Sikkim 6 446.76 0.00 2 177.03 0.00
24 Tamil Nadu
25 Tripura 1 23.24 0.00 3 236.12 0.00
26 Uttar Pradesh 2 104.94 104.94 11 700.45 0.00
27 Uttarakhand 4 265.13 0.00
28 West Bengal 4 283.77 283.77
29 Telangana
30 Andaman & Nicobar
31 Chandigarh
32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
33 Daman and Diu
34 Lakshadweep
35 NCT of Delhi
36 Puducherry 2 44.70 44.70
Total 24 1380.99 648.64 22 1460.35 338.86 29 1693.06 210.22 0 0.00 0.00

This information was given by the Minister of Women and Child Development, SmritiZubinIrani, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha