Covering more than one crore women in a welfare scheme is definitely a commendable job, but the end use of fund for economic development must be ensured. It is another weapon in the hands of the women besides SHGs to strengthen them economically.

SUBHADRA, the flagship program of the present state government is believed as the game changer and harbinger of political success of the present government of the state. Analysing it’s level of outreach and the euphoria and enthusiasm it has generated among the women, especially women below the poverty line, one is bound to believe so. Historically women have had to fight an uphill battle for their right and recognition. Though in the changing time brave and talented women are forging ahead on the road to equality with vision, talent and courage, still a majority of the women folk remain outside the ambit of such equality status. So far, they have been considered as homemakers and their contribution to the family were never calculated in financial terms. They always remain as disguised labourer in the family circle. Women have been discriminated against for thousand years. Now time has come to reverse the historical wrongs.

Our Prime Minister has demonstrated immense focus on the development of women. Taking clue from the indomitable Nari Shakti, the think tank of the present government of Odisha might have thought for launching such a scheme for women force of the state. Prior to this scheme, the previous government was also giving due importance for women empowerment through SHG movement. The concept of SHG as originally conceived is not bad. A poor woman can’t individually flourish because of compelling moral, biological and economic factors. The group dynamics can help her to overcome these inherent weaknesses and she can make her journey in a very humble beginning from thrift to savings and from savings to borrowings.

The economic journey of poor women in the bottom line will start from beneficiaries to borrowers and from borrowers to entrepreneurs. In the beneficiary level, to lessen their burden of repayment, they will be given some subsidy or subvention. On graduation to the next level, that is borrower level, she may be able to utilize the borrowing in a commercial way to enable her to repay the borrowings with interest. After successful completion of the second level, she may be able to enter to entrepreneur level where along with her she can be able to provide income to few others. With such noble idea the SHG movement was started but for seer political gain the concept was hijacked and instead of result the government became more concern about the target.

When government went by the philosophy of target, the core concept of SHG was compromised. Instead of pursuing economic activities, the groups showed more interest in on lending the borrowed money to the needy with much higher rate of interest. As a result of which SHGs became Shylock like money lenders demanding pound of flesh and resulting many a suicide. As political bosses were considering them a solid vote block, they were putting blind eyes to their modus operandi. Though a separate department like Mission Shakti was constituted to look after the activities of the SHGs, it showed more interest in vote bank consolidation through groups rather than their development. That is why though the scheme is in operation since last thirty years, but no perceivable development being achieved in the economic front of the poor women.

To plug these loopholes, if at all the new scheme Subhadra has been launched at the cost of the taxpayers’ money, it is the duty of the government to ensure proper commercial utilization of the fund for economic development. Covering more than one crore women in a welfare scheme is definitely a commendable job, but the end use of fund for economic development must be ensured. It is another weapon in the hands of the women besides SHGs to strengthen them economically. The interest they are showing to be a beneficiary of the scheme must go to the logical conclusion of economic development or else alike many other schemes of the past it will fetch the same fate.

It is a fact that considering the mega nature of the scheme and the number of women included in the scheme, it is not possible to ensure economic uses of the fund for income generation. Out of the beneficiaries many are from student group and marriageable girls those who may not pursue any economic activities. But majority of the beneficiaries are from economically backward and downtrodden communities.

As the government is having a well-structured mechanism and well-oiled administration, steps should be taken to ensure end use of funds. The government may not ask for utilization certificate from the beneficiaries but can oversee the economic activities undertaken. After the end of the term of the scheme, a census to be made on activities undertaken by the beneficiaries. There is every possibility that the Subhadra scheme may promote diary development, piggery, poultry of small-scale nature which will not only boost the economy of the beneficiaries but also the economy of the state.