Since August, 2019, Government of India in partnership with States is implementing  Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) after subsuming erstwhile National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), to make provision of potable water at the service level of 55 litre per capita per day (lpcd) to every rural household through tap water connection, by 2024. At the time of announcement of Jal Jeevan Mission, out of 18.93 Crore rural households, 3.23 Crore (17%) households were reported to have tap water connections. So far, 5.67 Crore (29.2%) rural households have been provided with tap water connections in last 29 months. Thus, as of date, out of 19.28 Crore rural households in the country, 8.90 Crore (46.2%) households are reported to have tap water supply in their homes. The State/ UT-wise status of tap water connection in rural households across the country is at Annex-I.

Further, as reported by States/ UTs, as on 31.01.2022, out of 17.01 lakh rural habitations of the country, 13.22 lakh (77.67%) habitations having 77.90% population have provision of potable drinking water with supply level of more than 40 litre per capita per day (lpcd) and 3.44 lakh (20.24%) habitations having 20.39% population with supply level of less than 40 lpcd with sources at a reasonable distance and 0.35 lakh (2.08%) rural habitations having 1.71% population are reported to have water quality issues in drinking water sources.

Number of steps have been taken to plan and implement JJM in the whole country with speed, inter alia, which includes joint discussion and finalization of saturation plan and annual action plan (AAP) of States/ UTs, regular review of implementation, workshops/ conferences/ webinars for capacity building, training, knowledge sharing, field visits by multi-disciplinary team to provide technical support, etc. Detailed Operational Guideline for the implementation of JJM; Margdarshika for Gram Panchayats & VWSCs to provide safe drinking water in rural households and Guidelines on a special campaign to provide piped water supply in anganwadi centres, ashramshalas and schools have been shared with States/ UTs, to facilitate planning and implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission. For online monitoring, JJM–Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and JJM–Dashboard has been put in place. Provision has also been made for transparent online financial management through Public Financial Management System (PFMS).

The State/ UT-wise details of budgetary allocation, fund drawn & reported utilization by States/ UTs under erstwhile NRDWP for 2018-19 and under JJM for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 (as on 31.01.2022)  is at Annex-II.

This Information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel in a written  reply in Lok Sabha today.


State/ UT-wise status of tap water connections in rural households

(as on 31.01.2022)

(Number  in  lakhs)

S. No. State/ UT Total rural HHs as on 15.08.2019 Rural HHs with tap water connection as on 15.8.2019 Total rural HHs as on date Rural HHs provided with tap water connection as on date from Aug, 2019 Rural HHs with tap water supply
No. In % No. In % No. In%
1. A & N Islands 0.65 0.29 43.92  0.62 0.33 53.98 0.62 100.00
2. Andhra Pr. 95.66 30.74 32.14  95.17 18.55 19.50 49.30 51.80
3. Arunachal Pr. 2.18 0.23 10.46  2.20 0.92 41.60 1.14 51.95
4. Assam 63.35 1.11 1.76  63.35 18.07 28.52 19.18 30.28
5. Bihar 183.54 3.16 1.72  1,72.21 1,50.58 87.44 153.74 89.28
6. Chhattisgarh 45.48 3.20 7.03  48.59 4.97 10.23 8.17 16.81
7. DNH and D&D 0.6 0.00 0.00  0.85 0.85 100.00 0.85 100.00
8. Goa 2.63 1.99 75.70  2.63 0.64 24.30 2.63 100.00
9. Gujarat 93.03 65.16 70.04  91.77 18.27 19.91 83.44 90.92
10. Haryana 28.94 17.66 61.04  30.97 13.30 42.96 30.97 100.00
11. Himachal Pr. 17.04 7.63 44.76  17.28 8.27 47.88 15.90 92.03
12. J&K 18.17 5.75 31.67  18.35 4.73 25.76 10.48 57.12
13. Jharkhand 54.09 3.45 6.38  59.23 7.33 12.37 10.78 18.20
14. Karnataka 89.61 24.51 27.35  97.92 20.44 20.88 44.96 45.91
15. Kerala 67.15 16.64 24.78  70.69 10.25 14.49 26.89 38.04
16. Ladakh 0.44 0.01 3.21  0.43 0.11 26.11 0.13 29.42
17. Madhya Pr. 121.24 13.53 11.16  122.28 32.55 26.62 46.08 37.68
18. Maharashtra 142.36 48.44 34.03  146.09 50.26 34.40 98.70 67.56
19. Manipur 4.52 0.26 5.73  4.52 2.58 57.12 2.84 62.86
20. Meghalaya 5.9 0.05 0.77  5.90 2.01 33.99 2.05 34.77
21. Mizoram 1.27 0.09 7.24  1.33 0.53 39.60 0.62 46.51
22. Nagaland 3.86 0.14 3.60  3.77 1.35 35.67 1.48 39.35
23. Odisha 83.06 3.11 3.74  88.34 33.57 38.01 36.68 41.52
24. Puducherry 1.15 0.94 81.31  1.15 0.21 18.63 1.15 100.00
25. Punjab 35.07 16.79 47.86  34.40 17.19 49.96 33.97 98.76
26. Rajasthan 101.32 11.74 11.59  1,01.45 11.07 10.92 22.82 22.49
27. Sikkim 1.05 0.70 67.00  1.05 0.13 12.31 0.83 79.26
28. Tamil Nadu 126.89 21.76 17.15  1,26.89 29.30 23.09 51.06 40.24
29. Telangana 54.38 15.68 28.84  54.06 38.38 70.99 54.06 100.00
30. Tripura 8.01 0.25 3.06  7.60 2.84 37.35 3.08 40.57
31. Uttar Pr. 263.39 5.16 1.96  2,64.28 29.98 11.34 35.14 13.30
32. Uttarakhand 14.62 1.30 8.91  15.18 6.51 42.89 7.81 51.48
33. West Bengal 163.26 2.15 1.31  1,77.23 30.66 17.30 32.81 18.51
  Total 18,93.91 3,23.62 17.07  19,27.76 5,66.74 29.40 8,90.36 46.19

Source: JJM – IMIS                                            HH: Households



National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP): Central fund allocated, drawn and reported utilization in  2018-19

(Amount in Rs. Crore)

S. No. State/ UT Central share Expenditure under State share
Opening Balance Fund allocated Fund drawn Available fund Reported utilization
A & N Islands  1.05  0.62  0.31  1.36  1.36  4.85
Andhra Pr.  26.17  197.56  185.85  212.02  186.28  167.61
Arunachal Pr.  12.54  96.95  90.89  103.43  97.21  13.25
Assam  394.85  567.89  300.76  695.61  336.25  26.68
Bihar  226.79  476.63  234.84  461.63  148.48  211.30
Chhattisgarh  26.81  95.47  48.19  75.00  43.41  36.62
Goa  1.40  3.34  1.67  3.07  3.07  2.83
Gujarat  1.15  237.09  222.27  223.42  223.42  495.41
Haryana  29.86  81.88  76.76  104.61  94.48  93.18
Himachal Pr.  0.01  91.12  85.43  85.44  85.43  24.17
Jammu & Kashmir  37.78  309.07  249.34  287.12  251.88  19.63
Jharkhand  126.15  207.97  85.12  212.51  136.73  100.93
Karnataka  184.50  331.04  276.06  460.56  433.95  798.62
Kerala  2.34  90.37  84.86  87.20  84.62  83.48
Madhya Pr.  8.08  274.09  243.62  251.70  250.43  306.29
Maharashtra  267.46  474.16  239.06  506.52  258.40  395.86
Manipur  27.37  40.25  37.73  65.10  65.11  7.86
Meghalaya  0.35  52.43  49.15  49.50  48.71  5.23
Mizoram  20.31  28.00  26.25  46.59  46.46  5.12
Nagaland 0.00  34.72  17.36  17.36  17.36  2.49
Odisha  42.86  154.99  128.82  173.23  172.45  221.92
Puducherry  1.27  1.29 ND  1.27 NR NR
Punjab  96.28  125.97  119.41  215.69  112.78  106.29
Rajasthan  536.75  692.13  655.41  1,192.16  878.48  887.05
Sikkim  10.85  11.62  10.89  21.89  21.06  4.02
Tamil Nadu  0.68  180.99  167.31  170.41  168.92  363.02
Telangana  294.30  131.40  123.18  425.37  420.90  294.23
Tripura  48.58  55.18  51.73  102.82  53.88  7.98
Uttar Pr.  113.65  713.95  670.72  813.40  755.08  604.49
Uttarakhand  5.00  99.17  92.97  97.97  91.85  32.91
West Bengal  418.02  917.82  890.28  1,308.30  547.47  362.38

Source: JJM – IMIS                       ND: Not Drawn                       NR: Not Reported


Jal Jeevan Mission: Central fund allocated, drawn and reported utilization in 2019-20

(Amount in Rs. Crore)

S. No. State/ UT Central share Expenditure under State share
Opening Balance Fund allocated Fund drawn Available fund Reported utilization
A & N Islands 0.00 1.78 0.50 0.50 NR NR
Andhra Pr. 25.74 372.64 372.64 398.38 121.62 54.80
Arunachal Pr. 6.22 132.55 177.47 183.69 126.14 13.35
Assam 359.35 694.95 442.36 801.71 358.87 29.01
Bihar 313.16 787.31 417.35 730.51 473.33 150.34
Chhattisgarh 31.58 208.04 65.82 97.40 39.23 37.55
Goa 0.00 7.57 3.08 3.08 3.08 6.17
Gujarat 0.00 390.31 390.31 390.31 384.61 394.74
Haryana 10.13 149.95 149.95 160.08 69.29 73.80
Himachal Pr. 0.00 148.67 205.83 205.83 197.87 15.46
Jammu & Kashmir 27.14 322.03 322.03 349.17 200.25 24.01
Jharkhand 75.79 267.69 291.19 366.98 114.58 119.71
Karnataka 26.61 546.06 546.06 572.67 492.24 297.87
Kerala 2.58 248.76 101.29 103.87 62.69 57.23
Ladakh 8.10 166.65 67.86 75.96 NR 0.65
Madhya Pr. 1.26 571.60 571.60 572.86 326.65 288.75
Maharashtra 248.12 847.97 345.28 593.40 308.04 428.14
Manipur 0.00 67.69 91.17 91.17 28.20 6.60
Meghalaya 0.80 86.02 43.01 43.81 26.35 0.77
Mizoram 0.14 39.87 68.05 68.19 37.41 1.81
Nagaland 0.00 56.49 56.49 56.49 23.54 4.67
Odisha 0.78 364.74 364.74 365.52 275.02 255.02
Puducherry 1.27 2.50 ND 1.27 0.97 NR
Punjab 102.91 227.46 227.46 330.37 73.27 78.20
Rajasthan 313.67 1,301.71 1,301.71 1,615.38 620.31 698.54
Sikkim 0.84 15.41 26.15 26.99 14.71 1.48
Tamil Nadu 1.49 373.87 373.10 374.59 114.58 99.14
Telangana 4.48 259.14 105.52 110.00 88.33 74.46
Tripura 48.94 107.64 145.37 194.31 59.45 6.46
Uttar Pr. 58.33 1,206.28 1,513.14 1,571.47 639.32 380.10
Uttarakhand 6.12 170.53 170.53 176.65 110.04 23.02
West Bengal 760.82 995.33 994.75 1,755.57 609.00 445.03

Source: JJM – IMIS                       ND: Not Drawn                       NR: Not ReportedJal Jeevan Mission:


Central fund allocated, drawn and reported utilization in 2020-21

(Amount in Rs. Crore)

S. No. State/ UT Central share Expenditure under State share
Opening Balance Fund allocated Fund drawn Available fund Reported utilization
A & N Islands 0.50 2.93 1.46 1.96 1.45 NR
Andhra Pr. 276.76 790.48 297.62 574.38 427.73 180.97
Arunachal Pr. 57.56 254.85 344.85 402.41 392.43 32.05
Assam 452.45 1,608.51 551.77 1,004.22 880.44 90.02
Bihar 257.18 1,839.16 353.6 610.78 551.82 374.42
Chhattisgarh 58.17 445.52 334.14 392.31 223.8 221.1
Goa 0.00 12.41 6.2 6.2 2.99 13.49
Gujarat 5.7 883.08 983.08 988.78 838.5 883.43
Haryana 90.8 289.52 72.38 163.18 130.94 120.17
Himachal Pr. 7.95 326.2 547.48 555.43 329.01 42.25
Jammu & Kashmir 148.92 681.77 53.72 202.64 88.69 5.17
Jharkhand 268.39 572.24 143.06 411.45 286.62 177.73
Karnataka 80.42 1,189.40 446.36 526.78 349.62 416.38
Kerala 41.18 404.24 303.18 344.36 304.29 311.25
Ladakh 75.96 352.09 ND 75.96 9.43 NR
Madhya Pr. 246.21 1,280.13 960.09 1,206.3 1,014.70 875.99
Maharashtra 285.35 1,828.92 457.23 742.58 473.59 324.16
Manipur 62.96 131.8 141.8 204.76 189.14 18.52
Meghalaya 17.46 174.92 184.92 202.38 188.3 20.44
Mizoram 30.77 79.3 104.3 135.07 107.9 10.13
Nagaland 34.9 114.09 85.57 120.47 91.95 10.0
Odisha 90.5 812.15 609.11 699.61 688.69 673
Puducherry 0.3 4.64 1.06 1.36 0.2 1.0
Punjab 257.1 362.79 ND 257.1 146.74 104.95
Rajasthan 995.07 2,522.03 630.51 1,625.58 762.04 789.05
Sikkim 12.3 31.36 39.36 51.66 43.43 3.75
Tamil Nadu 264.09 921.99 690.36 954.45 576.97 399.57
Telangana 31.1 412.19 82.71 113.81 61.17 133.98
Tripura 136.46 156.61 117.46 253.92 195 22.26
Uttar Pr. 932.16 2,570.94 1,295.47 2,227.63 1,761.06 886.94
Uttarakhand 66.6 362.58 271.93 338.53 227.32 20.02
West Bengal 1,146.58 1,614.18 807.08 1,953.66 1,196.07 641.17

Source: JJM – IMIS                  ND: Not Drawn                       NR: Not Report


Jal Jeevan Mission: Central fund allocated, drawn and reported utilization in 2021-22

(as on 31.01.2022)

(Amount in Rs. Crore)

S. No. State/ UT Central share Expenditure under State share
Opening Balance Fund allocated Fund drawn Available fund Reported utilization
A & N Islands  0.52  8.26  2.06  2.58  0.83 NR
Andhra Pr.  146.65  3,182.88  791.06  937.71  47.73  39.93
Arunachal Pr.  9.98  1,013.53  760.15  770.13  359.80  33.50
Assam  123.78  5,601.16  2,800.58  2,932.66  1,441.65  155.99
Bihar  58.95  6,608.25 ND  58.95  2.41  173.92
Chhattisgarh  168.52  1,908.96  453.71  625.38  285.84  282.40
Goa  3.21  45.53  11.38  14.59  11.80  11.80
Gujarat  150.28  3,410.61  2,557.96  2,708.24  1,521.88  1,521.40
Haryana  32.24  1,119.95  279.99  312.23  251.95  245.89
Himachal Pr.  226.42  1,262.78  1,262.78  1,489.20  1,022.47  108.62
Jammu & Kashmir  113.96  2,747.17  604.18  718.14  45.42 NR
Jharkhand  137.93  2,479.88  512.22  650.15  151.98  227.11
Karnataka  177.16  5,008.80  1,252.20  1,429.36  910.48  743.27
Kerala  40.07  1,804.59  1,353.44  1,394.17  618.78  683.71
Ladakh  66.52  1,429.96  340.68  407.20  41.65 NR
Madhya Pr.  191.61  5,116.79  2,558.39  2,750.00  1,574.82  1,590.11
Maharashtra  268.99  7,064.41  1,666.64  1,935.63  207.83  267.84
Manipur  15.62  481.19  360.89  376.51  355.80  40.27
Meghalaya  15.06  678.39  508.79  523.85  402.42  43.64
Mizoram  27.17  303.89  151.94  179.11  96.65  12.46
Nagaland  28.52  444.81  222.41  250.93  135.60  15.53
Odisha  10.93  3,323.42  1,661.71  1,672.64  789.10  781.71
Puducherry  1.18  30.22  7.47  8.66  0.99 NR
Punjab  110.36  1,656.39  402.24  512.60  148.02  117.38
Rajasthan  863.53  10,180.50  2,345.08  3,208.61  442.31  525.37
Sikkim  8.29  124.79  93.59  101.88  52.08  4.84
Tamil Nadu  377.48  3,691.21  614.35  998.83  285.24  307.44
Telangana  55.15  1,653.09 ND  55.15  8.84  30.06
Tripura  61.51  614.09  460.57  522.08  379.38  47.08
Uttar Pr.  466.56  10,870.50  2,398.62  2,865.18  2,351.37  1,305.84
Uttarakhand  111.22  1,443.80  721.90  833.12  412.17  46.44
West Bengal  757.58  6,998.97  1,404.61  2,162.19  458.79  278.20

Source: JJM- IMIS                   ND: Not Drawn                       NR: Not Reported