As reported by States/UTs, so far 2021 drinking water quality testing laboratories at different levels viz. State, district, sub-division and/or block level, has been set up in the country. State-wise details of drinking water quality testing laboratories is at Annex-I.

To make provision of potable tap water supply in adequate quantity, of prescribed quality and on regular & long-term basis to every rural household by 2024, since August, 2019, Government of India in partnership with States, is implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – Har Ghar Jal. Thus, as of date, out of 19.27 Crore rural households in the country, 8.88 Crore (46.09%) households are reported to have provision of tap water supply in their homes. State-wise details is at Annex– II.

The State/UT, district & village-wise status of tap water connection in rural households, schools and anganwadi centres as reported by States/ UTs is in public domain and available on JJM dashboard  This Information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel in a written  reply in Lok Sabha today.


State/UT-wise detail of drinking water quality testing laboratories


S.No. State No. of drinking water quality testing labs
State District Block/sub–Division Mobile Total
1. A&NIslands 1 3 7 11
2. Andhra Pradesh 1 13 98 112
3. Arunachal Pradesh 1 17 30 1 49
4. Assam 1 25 51 3 80
5. Bihar 1 38 75 9 123
6. Chhattisgarh 1 27 22 18 68
7. Goa 1 13 14
8. Gujarat 1 32 47 1 81
9. Haryana 1 21 21 1 44
10. Himachal Pradesh 1 14 44 59
11. Jammu & Kashmir 20 72 92
12. Jharkhand 1 24 5 30
13. Karnataka 2 30 47 1 80
14. Kerala 1 14 37 52
15. Ladakh 2 4 6
16. Madhya Pradesh 1 51 103 155
17. Maharashtra 34 143 177
18. Manipur 1 12 13
19. Meghalaya 7 24 31
20. Mizoram 1 8 18 27
21. Nagaland 1 10 1 12
22. Odisha 1 32 44 77
23. Puducherry 2 2
24. Punjab 2 22 8 1 33
25. Rajasthan 1 32 21 54
26. Sikkim 2 2
27. Tamil Nadu 1 31 81 113
28. Telangana 1 19 55 75
29. Tripura 1 8 12 21
30. Uttar Pradesh 1 75 5 81
31. Uttarakhand 1 13 13 27
32. West Bengal 1 21 196 2 220
Total 28 659 1,270 64 2,021




Nos in lakh

S. No. State/ UT Total rural HHs as on 15.08.2019 Rural HHs with tap water connection as on 15.8.2019 Total rural HHs as on date Rural HHs provided with tap water connection as on date under JJM Rural HHs with tap water supply
No. In % No. In % No. In%
1. A & N Islands 0.65 0.29 43.92  0.62  0.33  53.98  0.62  100.00
2. Andhra Pr. 95.66 30.74 32.14  95.17  18.55  19.49  49.29  51.79
3. Arunachal Pr. 2.18 0.23 10.46  2.20  0.92  41.59  1.14  51.94
4. Assam 63.35 1.11 1.76  63.35  17.87  28.20  18.98  29.96
5. Bihar 183.54 3.16 1.72  1,72.21  150.35  87.31  153.51  89.15
6. Chhattisgarh 45.48 3.20 7.03  48.59  4.87  10.02  8.07  16.60
7. DNH and D&D 0.6 0.00 0.00  0.85  0.85  100.00  0.85  100.00
8. Goa 2.63 1.99 75.70  2.63  0.64  24.30  2.63  100.00
9. Gujarat 93.03 65.16 70.04  91.77  18.18  19.81  83.34  90.81
10. Haryana 28.94 17.66 61.04  30.97  13.30  42.96  30.97  100.00
11. Himachal Pr. 17.04 7.63 44.76  17.28  8.27  47.85  15.89  92.00
12. J&K 18.17 5.75 31.67  18.35  4.73  25.76  10.48  57.12
13. Jharkhand 54.09 3.45 6.38  59.23  7.25  12.24  10.70  18.07
14. Karnataka 89.61 24.51 27.35  97.92  20.35  20.79  44.87  45.82
15. Kerala 67.15 16.64 24.78  70.69  10.21  14.45  26.85  37.99
16. Ladakh 0.44 0.01 3.21  0.43  0.11  26.11  0.13  29.42
17. Madhya Pr. 121.24 13.53 11.16  122.28  32.42  26.52  45.96  37.58
18. Maharashtra 142.36 48.44 34.03  146.09  50.16  34.33  98.53  67.45
19. Manipur 4.52 0.26 5.73  4.52  2.57  57.00  2.83  62.74
20. Meghalaya 5.9 0.05 0.77  5.90  2.00  33.92  2.05  34.69
21. Mizoram 1.27 0.09 7.24  1.33  0.53  39.59  0.62  46.50
22. Nagaland 3.86 0.14 3.60  3.77  1.34  35.62  1.48  39.30
23. Odisha 83.06 3.11 3.74  88.34  33.45  37.87  36.56  41.39
24. Puducherry 1.15 0.94 81.31  1.15  0.21  18.63  1.15  100.00
25. Punjab 35.07 16.79 47.86  34.40  17.18  49.93  33.96  98.72
26. Rajasthan 101.32 11.74 11.59  1,01.45  11.01  10.85  22.75  22.42
27. Sikkim 1.05 0.70 67.00  1.05  0.13  12.20  0.83  79.16
28. Tamil Nadu 126.89 21.76 17.15  1,26.89  29.21  23.02  50.97  40.17
29. Telangana 54.38 15.68 28.84  54.06  38.38  70.99  54.06  100.00
30. Tripura 8.01 0.25 3.06  7.60  2.83  37.21  3.07  40.43
31. Uttar Pr. 263.39 5.16 1.96  2,64.28  29.94  11.33  35.10  13.28
32. Uttarakhand 14.62 1.30 8.91  15.18  6.48  42.67  7.78  51.26
33. West Bengal 163.26 2.15 1.31  1,77.23  30.34  17.12  32.48  18.33
Total 1893.91 323.62 17.07 1927.76  564.96  29.31  888.52  46.09