RSP: The Flagship Steel Plant of Odisha


Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has acted as a lifeline for north-east part of Odisha, by contributing immensely to the economic development of the whole region. The various small and medium scale industries that have come up in the area have transformed to a thriving industrial belt. As the mother plant, RSP has always been committed to the   advancement   of its stakeholders. We hope, the success story of RSP may be an eye opener for the rest of the state.

In a path of progress, survival, sustainability and success an organisation always require to constantly redefine its boundaries, recast its priorities and reinvent its future. In the 50s when Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), the premier industry of Odisha, was set up in the north-west corner of the state, the objective was to strengthen the nation with the might of steel and usher in progress and prosperity in this tribal dominated belt. The contributions made by RSP in the last 50 years on both the fronts are notable by every standard. However, with the changing times Maharatna Company SAIL, of which RSP is an integral unit, decided to boost up the capacity of the steel plant to not only lend a stronger hand in Nation building but also to be a major player in the industry with increased volume and improved quality.

Fulfilling the aspiration of each of the stakeholders, RSP has increased its hot metal capacity to more than double. By implementing a massive modernisation and expansion project, today the Steel Plant boasts of having the biggest operational Blast Furnace of the country ‘Durga’. With this furnace coming to stream the hot metal capacity of the Plant has gone up to the level of 4.5 Million Tonnes per annum (MTPA) from the previous level of 2 MTPA. Besides, the expansion of the Raw Material Handling Plant, the new Sinter Unit-3,  the new Coke Oven Battery No. 6 complex and the new Caster-3 have also commenced operation in the last two years. All out measures are being taken to expedite the commissioning of the New Plate Mill and the New Basic Oxygen Furnace in the current fiscal so that the expansion jobs can be wound up quickly. The Crude Steel making capacity will then increase from the current level of 1.9 MTPA to 4.2 MTPA and production of Saleable Steel will zoom from the level of 1.671 MTPA to 3.99 MTPA.

As they say success begets success. By successfully implementing the Projects and Modernisation the RSP collective has won the confidence of the SAIL management and plans are now afoot to further increase the capacity of RSP to 10 Million tonnes. 

Progress of RSP means a thriving region. Till 2012-13, Rourkela Steel Plant has contributed about Rs. 2639.8 crores to Odisha state exchequer by way of taxes and duties. Rourkela Steel Plant is one of the highest contributors to the State exchequer. Besides RSP has been a prime mover in the development of infrastructure and economic growth of this entire region.

RSP has acted as a lifeline for north-east part of Odisha, by contributing immensely to the economic development of the whole region. The various small and medium scale industries that have come up in thereby transforming the whole area to a thriving industrial belt, directly or indirectly, depend upon the Steel Plant for their survival and growth. As the mother plant, RSP has always been committed to the   advancement   of its stakeholders. In the last 3 years business worth Rs 447 crores was done with local medium and small scale industries.

Since the first tonne of Hot Metal was tapped in the Blast Furnace, RSP has been strongly committed to be an agent of change, usher in progress and spread prosperity in this region. Improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of this land was never thought of as a responsibility by RSP. It’s agenda has not been mere charity but empowerment, not merely to support but to sustain. From education to women’s empowerment, providing health care facilities to improving infrastructure, promoting advanced techniques of agriculture to skill enhancement, land and water management to livestock development – it has got a multifarious approach to touch and shape every aspect of life and living of its community neighbours.

Establishment of a Handloom Centre for rural women, addressing the problems related to sanitation and water supply in rural villages and providing nutritious mid–day meal to about 45000 school students through Akshaya Patra foundation, are some latest and priority areas of RSP. The commitment of the Steel Plant to usher in sustainable and inclusive growth for each of its stakeholders is evident from its Mission Statement ‘Samvardhan’ that emphasises on making everyone a partner in the path of progress.