Government introduces Minimum Support Price for 17 new items of Minor Forest Produce; revises MSP for 23 items of MFP; 


The Government has revised the Minimum Support Price of 23 items of Minor Forest Produce items and has introduced MSP for 17 new MFP items. The 23 items whose MSP has been revised include those Minor Forest Produce items which have been covered under the scheme since its inception in the year 2013-14. The revised MSP also includes those MFP items which were announced on 31.10.2016 except Palash Flower (wet variety).

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, in a notification issued yesterday, has asked all the State Governments to bring these changes to the notice of State nodal agencies and the State implementing agencies. TRIFED will be required to keep a watch on market prices and display on website besides sharing with the States to facilitate implementation of the scheme. There shall also be an endeavor to develop market linkage between State agencies, through State nodal department for bulk users/buyers.

In view of the general cost escalation on all fronts the question of revision of MSP of the MFP items had been under consideration of the Government for some time. Consequent upon receipt of recommendations of the MFP Pricing Cell for revision of MSP of the MFP items already existing in the scheme, as also the recommendation for the inclusion of additional MFP items, the Ministry, after due deliberation, has now decided to revise the MSP of the 10 MFP items which have formed a part of the scheme from its very inception as under:

Sl. No. MFP Item MSP Rates as on 21.11.2017 (Rs./Kg.) MSP Recommended (Rs./Kg.) for FY 2018-19
1 Tamarind (with seeds)

Tamarindus indica

18 31
2 Wild Honey 150 195
3 Gum Karaya

Sterculia urens

108 98
4 Karanj seeds

Pongamia pinnata

18 19
5 Sal seed

Shorea robusta

12 20
6 Mahua seed

Madhuca longifolia

20 25
7 Sal leaves

Shorea robusta

24 30
8 Chironji pods with seeds

Buchanania lanzan

93 109
9 Myrobalan

Terminalia chebula

8 15
10 (A) Rangeeni Lac 130 130
10 (B) Kusumi Lac 167 203


  1. The MSP of the thirteen (13) MFP items which were introduced into the scheme w.e.f. 31.10.2016 was reviewed and the Ministry, after due deliberation, has now decided to revise their MSP as under:
Sl. No. MFP Item MSP Rates as on 21.11.2017 (Rs./Kg.) MSP Recommended (Rs./Kg.) for FY 2018-19
1 Kusum seeds

(Schleichera oleosa)

10 20
2 Neem seeds

(Azadirachta indica)

12 23
3 Puwad seeds

(Cassia tora)

8 14
4 Baheda

(Terminalia bellirica)

15 17
5 Hill Broom Grass

(Thysanolaena maxima)

10 30
6 Dry Shikakai Pods

(Acacia concinna)

30 43
7 Bael pulp (Dried)

(Aegle marmelos)

15 27
8 Nagarmotha

(Cyperus rotundas)

25 27
9 Shatavari Roots (Dried)

(Asparagus racemosus)

40 92
10 Gudmar / Madhunashini

(Gymnema sylvestre)

35 35
11 Kalmegh

(Andrographis paniculata)

15 33
12 Tamarind (De-seeded)

(Tamarindus indica)

40 54
13 Guggul (Sterculia urens)* 700

* The MFP Pricing Cell did not recommend any revised MSP for Guggul (Sterculia urens).


  1. With a view to increase the coverage of the scheme in terms of MFP items, studies have been conducted on some more MFP items which are collected by tribals in most of the States for their livelihood.  Based on the recommendations of the Pricing Cell constituted by the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) this Ministry has decided to announce the inclusion of seventeen (17) more MFP items in the scheme along with their MSP as under:
S. No. MFP Item MSP recommended for the year 2018-19.

(Rs. Per kg.)

1 Mahua Flowers (dried)

(Madhuca longifolia)

2 Tejpatta (dried)

(Cinnamomum tamala and

Cinnamomum sp.)

3 Jamun dried seeds

(Syzgium cumini)

4 Dried Amla Pulp (deseeded)

(Phyllanthus emblica)

5 Marking Nut

(Semecarpus anacardium)

6 Soap Nut (dried)

(Sapindus emarginatus)

7 Bhava Seed (Amaltas)

(Cassia fistula)

8 Arjuna Bark

(Terminalia arjuna)

9 Kokum (Dry)

(Garcinia indica)

10 Giloe

(Tinospora cordifolia)

11 Kaunch Seed

(Macuna pruriens)

12 Chirata

(Swertia chirata)

13 Vaybidding / Vavding (dry seeds)

(Embelia ribes)

14 Dhavaiphool dried flowers

(Woodfordia floribunda)

15 Nux Vomica

(Strychnos nux vomica)

16 Ban Tulsi Leaves (dried)

(Ocimum tenuiflorum)

17 Kshirni

(Hemidesmus indicus)



The MSP of the MFP items as mentioned above shall be operative with immediate effect and shall remain valid till further revision.

Click here for the notification on MSP for MFP.