The funds are released according to the requirements and demands made by the respective States/UTs government. State-wise details of the funds released and utilized under the Child Protection Services Scheme- Mission Vatsalya during the period 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-2021 is at Annexure-I.State-wise details of number of Institutions set up under the scheme as per information received from the states/UTs is at Annexure-II.The Ministry continuously engages with all the states/UTs and from time to time has shared various advisories and guidelines for providing regular and uninterrupted delivery of services during the pandemic period; which include encouraging COVID appropriate behaviour, monitoring of Child Care Institutions and also mental health support to children and care givers.This information was given by the Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.


States-wise details of the funds released and utilized under the Child Protection Services Scheme during the year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21

(Rupees in lakhs)

Sl. No. Name of the States/UTs 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Amount released Amount Utlized Amount released Amount Utlized Amount released Amount Utlized
1 Andhra Pradesh 1870.01 1477.11 1373.53 1679.85 1827.84 1295.78
2 Arunachal Pradesh 37.63 526.03 1174.11 449.14 293.55 866.50
3 Assam 3379.63 2015.65 3363.95 1730.54 3159.17 2373.00
4 Bihar 2621.87 1619.23 1405.39 2334.30 2203.71 2455.17
5 Chhattisgarh 2151.01 2710.68 2098.74 2036.07 2281.81 2345.13
6 Goa 16.03 80.17 19.63 94.56 129.9 182.07
7 Gujarat 2251.55 1790.09 2146.27 1923.30 2590.93 1566.73
8 Haryana 1387.60 1693.65 2217.99 1642.22 2391.14 1312.70
9 Himachal Pradesh 1342.64 1349.88 1607.40 1416.52 1457.39 1554.12
10 Jammu & Kashmir 2106.94 1189.53 1225.16 2325.80 1490.55 710.62
11 Jharkhand 1480.26 1491.25 1845.80 1577.14 1425.26 1782.26
12 Karnataka 4022.56 3285.56 3290.45 2969.37 2897.87 3388.23
13 Kerala 1263.77 1263.77 1519.74 754.30 1135.84 1085.16
14 Madhya Pradesh 2959.23 3070.18 3052.72 2388.42 3531.26 3201.52
15 Maharashtra 3156.52 1922.01 2449.63 1941.08 3433.13 4407.73
16 Manipur 3866.99 3660.70 3102.72 3073.00 3468.9 3454.03
17 Meghalaya 2254.51 2254.51 2241.71 2234.49 2014.36 2008.45
18 Mizoram 2042.28 2042.28 2530.43 2136.90 2243.71 2007.61
19 Nagaland 1787.12 1779.05 2085.95 2054.82 2125.64 2148.86
20 Orissa 4352.44 3398.22 3541.66 3436.79 3302.54 3599.52
21 Punjab 1244.17 534.19 722.00 815.29 558.41 673.80
22 Rajasthan 3584.72 3584.72 3195.88 4041.72 3221.96 3869.82
23 Sikkim 379.25 512.55 662.51 618.96 612.81 501.61
24 Tamil Nadu 7895.14 8622.16 14915.36 10624.87 9636.91 7620.64
25 Telangana 1329.23 1647.72 1726.38 1190.19 431.61 1182.38
26 Tripura 885.77 849.54 879.61 601.03 1075.65 1216.67
27 Uttar Pradesh 7834.39 5347.81 4277.72 4173.25 5235.63 5157.43
28 Uttarakhand 1344.40 405.84 918.58 1722.38 712.37 291.57
29 West Bengal 2372.13 3391.03 2815.10 4285.62 4375.63 4704.87
30 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 218.85 201.17 329.62 211.53 282.97 117.70
31 Chandigarh 577.58 259.27 0.00 344.99 169.21 361.14
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11.24 90.74 193.97 80.85 55.96 136.67
Daman & Diu 18.42 67.77 141.79 72.36
33 Delhi 1007.39 849.99 972.86 717.64 656.76 726.87
34 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Ladakh 0 0 0 0 153.18 90.46
36 Puducherry 398.43 334.79 501.96 513.60 393.97 339.33
Total 73451.70 65318.84 74546.32 68212.89 70977.53 68736.15










States/UTs Number of Child Care Institutions (CCI)
Homes Open



Adoption Agencies

1 Andhra Pradesh 72 6 14 92
2 Arunachal Pradesh 5 0 1 6
3 Assam 42 6 19 67
4 Bihar 40 0 25 65
5 Chhattisgarh 66 9 12 87
6 Goa 20 2 2 24
7 Gujarat 62 3 13 78
8 Haryana 31 14 7 52
9 Himachal Pradesh 32 3 1 36
10 Jammu & Kashmir 14 0 0 14
11 Jharkhand 40 5 10 55
12 Karnataka 87 35 31 153
13 Kerala 29 4 11 44
14 Madhya Pradesh 65 9 26 100
15 Maharashtra 77 7 18 102
16 Manipur 54 17 9 80
17 Meghalaya 44 4 4 52
18 Mizoram 43 0 7 50
19 Nagaland 37 3 4 44
20 Orissa 94 12 27 133
21 Punjab 19 0 6 25
22 Rajasthan 104 21 21 146
23 Sikkim 16 3 3 22
24 Tamil Nadu 197 11 21 229
25 Tripura 24 4 6 34
26 Uttar Pradesh 75 20 25 120
27 Uttarakhand 23 4 5 32
28 West Bengal 70 37 25 132
29 Telangana 40 0 11 51
30 Andaman & Nicobar


10 0 1 11
31 Chandigarh 6 0 2 8
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli

and Daman & Diu

1 1 1 3
33 Ladakh 0 0 0 0
34 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0
35 Delhi 28 9 3 40
36 Puducherry 25 1 2 28
Total 1592* 250 373 2215

Homes include children homes, observation homes, special homes and place of safety.