Conviction of Accused Persons


National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles and publishes data on crimes, including crime against women and children, in its publication ‘Crime in India’, which is available on the website of NCRB, viz. The said report is available upto the year 2020. The State-wise details of the cases registered under Crime Against Women and Crime Against Children during 2018, 2019 and 2020 are at Annexure – I & II, respectively.

“Police” and “Public Order” is a State subject in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India and the responsibility to maintain law and order, protection of life and property of the citizens including investigation and prosecution of crime against women rests primarily with the respective State Governments.

The Central Government gives highest priority to ensuring safety and security of women and children and has undertaken various legislative and schematic interventions in this regard. These include legislations such as ‘the Indian Penal Code, 1860’, ‘the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961’, ‘the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005’, ‘the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006’, ‘the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act, 2012’ and ‘the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015’ etc.

For assisting the women facing violence and harassment including helping them with legal aid and counselling, the schemes/ projects implemented by Central Government include One Stop Centres (OSCs), Universalisation of Women Helplines (WHL), Swadhar Greh, Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) which is a pan-India single number (112)/ mobile app based system for emergencies; a cyber-crime reporting portal to report obscene content; establishment of State of Art DNA Laboratory at CFSL, Chandigarh; assistance to 24 States/ UTs to strengthen Forensic Science Laboratories; setting up of 1023 Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs) including exclusive POCSO (e-POCSO) Courts for speedy disposal of cases of rape and cases under POCSO Act; setting up/ strengthening of Anti Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) in all districts of the country; setting up/ strengthening of Women Help Desks (WHDs) at Police Stations, Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), 24×7 Childline – 1098 etc. The Government has also put in place Investigation Tracking System for Sexual Offences, an online analytic tool for tracking and monitoring of investigation. A National Database of Sexual Offenders (NDSO) has also been created.

Under Nirbhaya Fund, Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) has also undertaken several initiatives, which, inter-alia includes training and skill development programs for Investigation Officers, Prosecution Officers and Medical Officers, distribution of Sexual Assault Evidence Collection (SAEC) Kits to States/ UTs. BPR&D has also prepared Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) for ‘Women Help Desk at Police Stations’ to ensure smooth functioning of Women Help Desks by focusing on four critical components viz. infrastructure, training, human resource development and response mechanism. A book titled ‘Women’s Safety and Security- a Handbook for First Responders and Investigators in the Police’ has also been prepared for the purpose of prevention and investigation of crime against women with specific reference to the crime of sexual assault, which includes investigation, victim compensation and rehabilitation. Emphasis has been laid upon appropriate behavioural and attitudinal skills of the police in course of prevention and detection of crime against women and children and interaction with victims of crime. Webinars on women safety with sensitivity, gender sensitization of police personnel etc. have also been organized by BPR&D.

It is also primarily the responsibility of the State Governments/ UT Administrations to make the police force efficient & capable and its functioning more effective, transparent and accountable. However, the Government has taken several steps on Police reforms, from time to time. The Central Government also issues advisories to the States to bring in the requisite reforms in the Police.In order to facilitate police in States/ UTs with a common IT platform for filing reports, investigation, collecting and sharing information on crimes and criminals at national level, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has implemented Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) in all police stations. CCTNS has been integrated through Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) to facilitate use of information on crime and criminals in CCTNS with other databases on prisons, prosecution, forensics and courts in a holistic manner for administration of criminal justice.

The Ministry also undertakes awareness exercise for safety and security of women and children from time to time. Further, the Government, through institutions like the National Commission for Women (NCW), National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and their counterparts in States have been spreading awareness through seminars, workshops, audio-visual, print and electronic media etc. to sensitize the people about the safety and security of women and children and also about various provisions of the legislation etc.

This information was given by the Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, in a written reply in Lok Sabha


State-wise details of the registered cases of Crime Against women during 2018, 2019 and 2020

SL State/UT 2018 2019 2020
1 Andhra Pradesh 16438 17746 17089
2 Arunachal Pradesh 368 317 281
3 Assam 27687 30025 26352
4 Bihar 16920 18587 15359
5 Chhattisgarh 8587 7689 7385
6 Goa 362 329 219
7 Gujarat 8329 8799 8028
8 Haryana 14326 14683 13000
9 Himachal Pradesh 1633 1636 1614
10 Jharkhand 7083 8760 7630
11 Karnataka 13514 13828 12680
12 Kerala 10461 11462 10139
13 Madhya Pradesh 28942 27560 25640
14 Maharashtra 35497 37144 31954
15 Manipur 271 266 247
16 Meghalaya 571 558 568
17 Mizoram 249 170 172
18 Nagaland 75 43 39
19 Odisha 20274 23183 25489
20 Punjab 5302 5886 4838
21 Rajasthan 27866 41550 34535
22 Sikkim 172 125 140
23 Tamil Nadu 5822 5934 6630
24 Telangana 16027 18394 17791
25 Tripura 907 1070 874
26 Uttar Pradesh 59445 59853 49385
27 Uttarakhand 2817 2541 2846
28 West Bengal 30394 29859 36439
TOTAL STATE(S) 360339 387997 357363
29 A&N Islands 147 135 143
30 Chandigarh 442 515 301
31 D&N Haveli and

Daman & Diu@

54+ 82+ 61
32 Delhi 13640 13395 10093
33 Jammu & Kashmir@ 3437* 3069* 3405
34 Ladakh @ 9
35 Lakshadweep 11 38 15
36 Puducherry 166 95 113
TOTAL UT(S) 17897 17329 14140
TOTAL ALL INDIA 378236 405326 371503

‘+’ Combined data of erstwhile D&N Haveli UT and Daman & Diu UT

‘*’ Data of erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir State including Ladakh

‘@’ Data of newly created Union Territory



State-wise details of the registered cases of Crime Against Children in 2018, 2019 and 2020

SL State/UT 2018 2019 2020
Andhra Pradesh 2672 2524 2648
Arunachal Pradesh 166 153 113
Assam 5447 6608 4622
Bihar 7340 9320 6591
Chhattisgarh 6924 5665 5056
Goa 182 167 125
Gujarat 4929 4685 4075
Haryana 4869 5119 4338
Himachal Pradesh 772 748 636
Jharkhand 1479 1674 1795
Karnataka 6131 6305 5471
Kerala 4253 4754 3941
Madhya Pradesh 18992 19028 17008
Maharashtra 18892 19592 14371
Manipur 128 148 125
Meghalaya 385 379 415
Mizoram 198 125 142
Nagaland 70 59 31
Odisha 5217 7012 6330
Punjab 2308 2625 2121
Rajasthan 5150 7385 6580
Sikkim 221 163 147
Tamil Nadu 4155 4139 4338
Telangana 3747 4212 4200
Tripura 271 311 260
Uttar Pradesh 19936 18943 15271
Uttarakhand 1306 1214 1066
West Bengal 6286 6191 10248
TOTAL STATE(S) 132426 139248 122064
A&N Islands 162 153 141
Chandigarh 288 264 209
D&N Haveli and Daman & Diu 72 96 67
Delhi 8246 7783 5362
Jammu & Kashmir 473 470 606
Ladakh 2
Lakshadweep 8 26 9
Puducherry 89 50 71