Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure


The Government is implementing Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI), a sub-scheme of Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) under which assistance is provided for construction/ renovation of godowns/ warehouses in the rural areas in the States to enhance the storage capacity for agriculture produce. Under the scheme, Government provides subsidy at the rate of 25% and 33.33% on capital cost of the project based on the category of eligible beneficiary. Assistance is available to Individuals, Farmers, Group of farmers/growers, Agri-preneurs, Registered Farmer Produce Organizations (FPOs), Cooperatives, and state agencies etc. The scheme is demand driven.Since 01.04.2001 and up to 30.09.2021, a total of 40,985 storage infrastructure projects (Godowns), with storage capacity of 708.67 Lakh MT for beneficiaries including farmers have been assisted under AMI sub-scheme in the country which includes 3669 projects in Maharashtra and 1195 projects in Tamil Nadu. The State wise details of number of applications received and number of projects of beneficiaries assisted including farmers with storage capacity is at Annexure-I.                                                                                                         Further, Government has approved a new central sector scheme of financing facility viz., Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) of Rs. 1,00,000 Crore to provide a medium-long term loan facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest market infrastructure including warehousing facility and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support. AIF provides financial support in terms of Interest Subvention and Credit Guarantee on loans for post harvest management projects like Warehouses, Cold Chains, Silos etc. and building community farming asset projects. Under the scheme, loans are provided by banks and financial institutions to Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), Marketing Cooperative Societies, Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Farmers, Joint Liability Groups (JLG), Multipurpose Cooperative Societies, Agri-entrepreneurs, Startups and Central/State agency or Local Body sponsored Public Private Partnership Project. All loans under this financing facility have interest subvention of 3% per annum up to a limit of Rs.2 crore. This subvention is available for a maximum period of 7 years. Further, credit guarantee coverage is available for eligible borrowers from this financing facility under Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) scheme for a loan up to Rs. 2 crore. The State wise applications received and sanctioned for warehouse facilities (dry and cold storage, silos) is at Annexure-II.

State – wise application received and storage infrastructure assisted under Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub-scheme of ISAM from 01.04.2001 to 30th Sept, 2021

S. No. State No. of Applications received No. of projects assisted Storage Capacity assisted

(in  MT)

Andhra Pradesh 1484 1434 5774816
Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 945
Assam 351 339 1048147
Bihar 1111 1086 706051
Chhattisgarh 606 598 1946917
Goa 1 1 299
Gujarat 12054 11970 4964855
Haryana 2333 2279 6793655
Himachal Pradesh 88 88 30826
Jammu & Kashmir 15 15 88027
Jharkhand 37 35 182708
Karnataka 4869 4673 3948654
Kerala 211 209 105903
Madhya Pradesh 6148 4404 12880328
Maharashtra 3868 3669 6938524
Meghalaya 16 16 21012
Mizoram 1 1 302
Nagaland 36 36 32814
Odisha 702 695 1019830
Punjab 1769 1761 6814459
Rajasthan 1791 1585 3097690
Tamil Nadu 1203 1195 1435980
Telangana 1057 852 5003968
Tripura 5 5 28764
Uttar Pradesh 1221 1183 5600253
Uttrakhand 296 291 786272
West Bengal 2576 2564 1614834
Total 43850 40985 70866833

State wise received and sanctioned applications for warehouse facilities (dry and cold storage, silos) under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF)

Amount in Rupees Crore

S. No. States Application Received on portal Sanctioned*
No. Amount No. Amount
1 MADHYA PRADESH 2069 1728 1381 1243
2 RAJASTHAN 473 379 324 304
3 MAHARASHTRA 299 430 151 171
4 GUJARAT 242 378 148 140
5 UTTAR PRADESH 1250 499 394 305
6 TELANGANA 300 344 548 423
7 HARYANA 99 205 36 54
8 ANDHRA PRADESH 1574 2432 1306 910
9 KARNATAKA 763 389 959 666
10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 77 10 12 1
11 PUNJAB 74 120 50 59
12 TAMIL NADU 76 86 27 16
13 BIHAR 59 74 18 15
14 CHHATTISGARH 86 129 35 47
15 JHARKHAND 27 31 7 5
16 WEST BENGAL 30 113 14 14
17 ODISHA 22 60 14 11
18 KERALA 38 67 9 5
19 UTTARAKHAND 11 15 5 7
20 ASSAM 9 9 4 5
22 MANIPUR 3 1 0 0
23 DELHI 2 4 1 1
24 Tripura 2 2 0 0
25 Nagaland 1 1 0 0
26 Puducherry 1 2 0 0
27 Chandigarh 1 3 0 0
  Total 7596 7535 5446 4407

* Sanction includes in-principle sanctioned projects by cooperative institutions.

This information was given by Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.