Study on Cancer Patients 


Study on Cancer Patients 

According to an article “Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-14 (CONCORD-3), published in LANCET, there are differences in survival rates across countries. The study estimates 5-year survival for breast cancer as 88.2% in Canada, 68.78% in Thailand, 76.5 % in Poland and 66.1% in India.However, the coverage of Population in the study is reported to vary from higher coverage in European Countries while it is reported to cover about 0.1 % of population in India. The study has indicated various reasons for variations in survival rate of cancer. The study also impress upon the need of Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) to evaluate both the impact of cancer prevention strategies and the effectiveness of health systems for all patients diagnosed with cancer.The cancer survival rate is generally believed to depend upon amongst others, stage at diagnosis, stage of initiation of treatment, type and site of cancer, correct and complete treatment. Cancer can be diagnosed and treated at various levels in the Health care system.

National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR), an institute under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is implementing National Cancer Registry Program. As reported by ICMR, estimated incidence and mortality for three years is given belowrespectively:


Estimated Incidence of cancer cases in India, State/UT wise – All sites – (2014 to 2016)- Both sexes
States 2014 2015 2016
Jammu & Kashmir 14115 14864 15652
Himachal Pradesh 7425 7722 8029
Punjab 30002 31214 32474
Chandigarh 1162 1217 1274
Uttaranchal 11240 11796 12381
Haryana 27933 29240 30611
Delhi 18356 19168 20015
Rajasthan 75642 79160 82836
Uttar Pradesh 222615 233659 245231
Bihar 117603 123949 130628
Sikkim 467 473 479
Arunachal Pradesh 1231 1252 1272
Nagaland 1288 1294 1300
Manipur 2836 2916 2998
Mizoram 1585 1618 1652
Tripura 2139 2169 2199
Meghalaya 3184 3246 3311
Assam 31124 31474 31825
West Bengal 99339 103532 107906
Jharkhand 37031 38947 40959
Orissa 45736 47666 49674
Chhattisgarh 28738 30239 31817
Madhya Pradesh 81034 85078 89315
Gujarat 66952 70171 73551
Daman & Diu 339 385 440
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 421 457 497
Maharashtra 122256 127390 132726
Telangana 38494 40177 41939
Andhra Pradesh 53570 55776 58072
Karnataka 67237 70302 73511
Goa 1587 1655 1726
Lakshadweep 77 82 89
Kerala 37550 39672 42004
Tamil Nadu 76091 78512 80999
Pondicherry 1428 1510 1596
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 402 415 429
Total 1328229 1388397 1451417


Estimated Mortality of cancer cases in India, State / UT wise- All sites – (2014 to 2016) – Both sexes
States 2014 2015 2016
Jammu & Kashmir 7144 7525 7925
Himachal Pradesh 3742 3893 4048
Punjab 15171 15784 16423
Chandigarh 590 618 646
Uttaranchal 5667 5949 6245
Haryana 14135 14797 15491
Delhi 9290 9699 10127
Rajasthan 38202 39985 41848
Uttar Pradesh 112514 118115 123985
Bihar 59431 62651 66040
Sikkim 236 240 242
Arunachal Pradesh 628 638 649
Nagaland 662 665 667
Manipur 1419 1460 1500
Mizoram 808 824 841
Tripura 1094 1109 1125
Meghalaya 1644 1676 1710
Assam 15853 16029 16206
West Bengal 50110 52231 54443
Jharkhand 18683 19653 20671
Orissa 23043 24019 25035
Chhattisgarh 14472 15231 16030
Madhya Pradesh 40917 42964 45110
Gujarat 33832 35466 37182
Daman & Diu 176 200 229
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 215 233 254
Maharashtra 61732 64332 67035
Telangana 19385 20235 21126
Andhra Pradesh 26970 28082 29244
Karnataka 33881 35430 37052
Goa 799 834 870
Lakshadweep 39 42 45
Kerala 18827 19892 21062
Tamil Nadu 38310 39537 40796
Pondicherry 717 759 802
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 203 210 217
Total 670541 701007 732921

NCDIR has also initiated a project on “Population Based Cancer Survival on Cancers of Breast, Cervix and Head & Neck” across 28 PBCRs.

Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Government for improving healthcare including prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Cancer. The objectives of National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) being implemented under National Health Mission (NHM) for interventions upto district level include awareness generation for Cancer prevention, opportunistic  screening, early detection and referral to an appropriate level institution for treatment. The focus is on three types of cancer namely breast, cervical and oral cancer.

A population level initiative of prevention, control and screening for common NCDs (diabetes, hypertension and cancer viz. oral, breast and cervical) has been rolled out in over 150 districts of the country in 2017-18 under NHM, as a part of comprehensive primary healthcare. The screening activity will generate awareness on risk factors of common NCDs including cancer.

The Government of India is implementing “Strengthening of Tertiary Care for Cancer facilities” Scheme under NPCDCS to assist to establish/set up State Cancer Institutes (SCI) and Tertiary Care Cancer Centres (TCCC) in different parts of the country. Oncology in its various aspects has focus in case of new AIIMS and many upgraded institutions under PradhanMantriSwasthyaSurakshaYojana (PMSSY). Setting up of National Cancer Institute at Jhajjar (Haryana) and 2nd campus of Chittranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata has also been approved. All these will enhance the capacity for prevention and treatment of cancer in the country.  Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment(AMRIT) Pharmacies have been set up by HLL Lifecare Ltd., a Government of India CPSE to make available drugs for cancer inter-alia at discounted prices to the patients.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Smt Anupriya Patel stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha