Implementation of SHMS


The Government is implementing Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme since 2015-16 to ascertain soil health and fertility. Soil Health Card provides nutrient status of the soil along with prescription about balanced and integrated use of inorganic and organic fertilizers to maintain good soil health that results in increase in production.

The total number of farmers provided with SHCs during last three years, State/ UT-wise is given at Annexure–I. The States have not reported any challenges faced by them while implementing the scheme.

The number of soil testing laboratories set up across the country, State/ UT-wise is at Annexure-II.

Increase in agriculture production depends on a number of factors like use of quality seeds, balanced & integrated use of fertilizers, availability of irrigation, etc.National Production Council in their study ‘Soil Testing Infrastructure for Faster Delivery of Soil Health Card in India’ in 2017 reported an overall increase in the yield of crops to the tune of 5-6% by adopting SHC recommendations.

Steps taken by Government to improve agricultural productivity are given below:

  1. The Government is implementing National Food Security Mission (NFSM) to enhance production and productivity of food crops. The mission aims at increasing foodgrain/food crop production through area expansion in niche regions and productivity improvement. Under NFSM, support is given for promotion of crops viz., rice, wheat, pulses, nutri cereals (jowar, bajra, ragi& small millets), coarse cereals (maize & barley), commercial crops (cotton, jute & sugarcane) and oilseeds and oilpalm.
  2. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) plays a vital role to improve agricultural productivity through various interventions i.e. through introduction of improved varieties, quality seeds and planting materials, protected cultivation, high density plantation, rejuvenation, precision farming and horticultural mechanization.
  3. Government is implementing Sub-Mission on Seeds & Planting Materials (SMSP) to promote production and multiplication of quality seeds of agricultural crops, so that the required quantities of seeds could be made available to farmers in the country.
  4. Under Rashtriya Krishi VikasYojana (RKVY) funds are released to the State Governments on the basis of projects in Agriculture & allied sectors to implement the scheme in the States as per their requirement in areas which requires focused attention for increasing production and productivity in the State.
  5.  “Per drop more crop” initiative under which drip/sprinkler irrigation is being encouraged for optimal utilization of water, reducing cost of inputs and increasing productivity.       


State-wise number of farmers provided with Soil Health Cards during last three years.

Sl. No. States/UTs 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Andaman & Nicobar 3894 1007 3000
2 Andhra Pradesh 3462629 226487 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 10266 5432 53
4 Assam 1157702 67493 0
5 Bihar 4151316 123866 305223
6 Chhattisgarh 2811066 65341 387
7 D&N Haveli 2838 0 0
8 Goa 6066 9281 6556
9 Gujarat 4372845 63591 0
10 Haryana 2497185 30261 18972
11 Himachal Pradesh 56433 19613 5168
12 J & K 546930 56357 159890
13 Jharkhand 320914 14572 0
14 Karnataka 38538 73221 40104
15 Kerala 773204 171207 118022
16 Ladakh 16500 2103 0
17 Madhya Pradesh 5388000 127000 133000
18 Maharashtra 2792042 201837 0
19 Manipur 10357 10357 10010
20 Meghalaya 139741 45286 8531
21 Mizoram 11986 2119 0
22 Nagaland 12000 27304 0
23 Odisha 925635 431418 52056
24 Puducherry 53 32 64
25 Punjab 580000 580568 19196
26 Rajasthan 73660 23104 33347
27 Sikkim 3300 2936 0
28 Tamil Nadu 3533971 101144 32750
29 Telangana 472987 110664 165527
30 Tripura 18034 15614 6467
31 Uttar Pradesh 17472000 255517 20000
32 Uttarakhand 445556 13645 6700
33 West Bengal 612500 4520 0
Total 52720148 2882897 1145023

Note: – During 2020-21, soil testing was done by states under state programme (except Uttar Pradesh).


State-wise number of Soil Testing Labs

S. No. Name of State/ UT Number of Soil Testing labs
Static Mobile Mini Lab Village level Total  
1 A&N Islands 1 0 0 0 1  
2 Andhra Pradesh 47 13 1328 5 1393  
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5 3 0 0 8  
4 Assam 10 0 216 0 226  
5 Bihar 38 9 1 23 71  
6 Chhattisgarh 33 0 111 5 149  
7 D&N Haveli 0 0 0 0 0  
8 Goa 2 0 0 0 2  
9 Gujarat 81 0 230 30 341  
10 Haryana 35 0 0 34 69  
11 Himachal Pradesh 11 9 69 0 89  
12 J&K 20 12 0 0 32  
13 Jharkhand 47 0 3164 0 3211  
14 Karnataka 96 1 6 281 384  
15 Kerala 22 12 0 0 34  
16 Ladakh 2 0 0 0 2  
17 Madhya Pradesh 78 7 503 1 589  
18 Maharashtra 209 26 48 0 283  
19 Manipur 1 0 16 2 19  
20 Meghalaya 3 3 8 0 14  
21 Mizoram 5 0 0 0 5  
22 Nagaland 11 0 0 0 11  
23 Odisha 30 30 314 0 374  
24 Puducherry 2 0 0 0 2  
25 Punjab 69 4 0 0 73  
26 Rajasthan 101 12 0 0 113  
27 Sikkim 3 0 0 14 17  
28 Tamil Nadu 36 16 0 0 52  
29 Telangana 22 4 2050 0 2076  
30 Tripura 2 2 100 0 104  
31 Uttar Pradesh 254 0 0 6 260  
32 Uttarakhand 13 0 0 1 14  
33 West Bengal 26 8 0 0 34  
  Total 1315 171 8164 402 10052  


This information was given by Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.