Women Farmers in The Country


As per the information collected in Agriculture Census 2015-16, about 11.72% of the total operated area in the country was operated by female operational holders.As per the results of the Situation Assessment Survey (SAS) of Agricultural Households
and Land and Livestock Holdings of Households in Rural India- 2019 conducted by National Statistical Office(NSO) for the agriculture year July 2018-June 2019.The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs compiles and disseminates information on suicides in its publication titled ‘Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India’. As per the publication, the term ‘Farmer’ is defined as “the Person whose profession is farming and includes those who cultivate on their own land as well as those who cultivate on leased land/other’s land with or without the assistance of agricultural labourers”.

       State-wise number of female and male operational holders is given in Annexure-I.

State-wise estimated number of female and male operational holders as per Agriculture Census 2015-16
Sl. No. States/Uts Female   Male
Number (in ‘000)   Number(in ‘000)
1 A & N Islands 4   8
2 Andhra Pradesh 2565   5955
3 Arunachal Pradesh 14   97
4 Assam 46   2691
5 Bihar 2297   14090
6 Chandigarh Neg   1
7 Chhattisgarh 553   3457
8 D & N Haveli 3   12
9 Daman & Diu 2   6
10 Delhi 3   17
11 Goa 19   55
12 Gujarat 877   4440
13 Haryana 240   1371
14 Himachal Pradesh 74   922
15 Jammu & Kashmir 108   1307
16 Jharkhand 316   2483
17 Karnataka 1743   6919
18 Kerala 1742   5778
19 Lakshadweep 4   5
20 Madhya Pradesh 1189   8808
21 Maharashtra 2364   12894
22 Manipur 10   140
23 Meghalaya 80   152
24 Mizoram 11   79
25 Nagaland 19   177
26 Odisha 198   4667
27 Puducherry 8   26
28 Punjab 17   1074
29 Rajasthan 775   6866
30 Sikkim 5   66
31 Tamil Nadu 1560   6350
32 Telangana 1368   4579
33 Tripura 71   502
34 Uttar Pradesh 1824   21972
35 Uttarakhand 105   775
36 West Bengal 230   7008
  All India 20439   125751











Note:  Neg= Negligible(i.e. less than 500)



State-wise percentage of female farmers enrolled under PMFBY in 2020-21 and percentage of female beneficiaries under PM-KISAN is given in Annexure-II. Gender-wise data on KCC is not maintained.

Sl. No. State/UT Percentage of female farmers enrolled under PMFBY during 2020-21


Percentage  of female beneficiaries under PM-KISAN
1 A & N Islands 11.8 37.9
2 Andhra Pradesh 35.3
3 Arunachal Pradesh 51.9
4 Assam 30.0 31.1
5 Bihar 30.6
6 Chandigarh 11.4
7 Chhattisgarh 10.4 25.6
8 D & N Haveli 21.9
9 Daman & Diu  
10 Delhi 18.0
11 Goa 23.3 13.8
12 Gujarat ** 26.9
13 Haryana 8.1 17.2
14 Himachal Pradesh 8.0 17.8
15 Jammu & Kashmir 2.0 11.2
16 Jharkhand 25.5
17 Karnataka 22.6 24.4
18 Kerala 31.8 44.3
19 Lakshadweep 49.4
20 Madhya Pradesh 12.6 21.3
21 Maharashtra 18.7 20.6
22 Manipur 54.2
23 Meghalaya 76.9 4.0
24 Mizoram 43.3
25 Nagaland 52.7
26 Odisha 14.1 24.3
27 Puducherry 32.7 38.9
28 Punjab 0.1
29 Rajasthan 11.8 36.3
30 Sikkim 35.7 16.8
31 Tamil Nadu 29.0 31.2
32 Telangana 28.6
33 Tripura 18.1 21.8
34 Uttar Pradesh 8.4 19.5
35 Uttarakhand 7.3 17.7
36 West Bengal 18.7
  All India 15.6 25.1






Note-   (1) Kharif 2021 enrolment under finalization; Rabi 2021-22 enrolment undergoing

(2) ** Gujarat and Karnataka State Government have their own Portal

(3)  – Data not available

State-wise average monthly income earned by agricultural households in the country is given in Annexure-III. Gender-wise data on farmers income was not collected in the survey.                                                                                          

State /UTs wise Average monthly income per agricultural household during agricultural year July 2018 – June 2019


Sl. No. State/GroupofUTs Average monthly income()
1 Andhra Pradesh 10,480
2 Arunachal Pradesh 19,225
3 Assam 10,675
4 Bihar 7,542
5 Chhattisgarh 9,677
6 Gujarat 12,631
7 Haryana 22,841
8 Himachal Pradesh 12,153
9 Jammu & Kashmir 18,918
10 Jharkhand 4,895
11 Karnataka 13,441
12 Kerala 17,915
131 Madhya Pradesh 8,339
14 Maharashtra 11,492
15 Manipur 11,227
16 Meghalaya 29,348
17 Mizoram 17,964
18 Nagaland 9,877
19 Odisha 5,112
20 Punjab 26,701
21 Rajasthan 12,520
22 Sikkim 12,447
23 Tamil Nadu 11,924
24 Telangana 9,403
25 Tripura 9,918
26 Uttarakhand 13,552
27 Uttar Pradesh 8,061
28 West Bengal 6,762
29 Group of N E States 16,863
30 Group of UTs 18,511
All India 10,218

































Year-wise number of farmers including female farmers availing the Minimum Support Price(MSP) for paddy and Wheat  during the last five years in different States is given in Annexure-IV



No. of farmers benefitted, State-wise, Marketing Season-wise (Paddy and Wheat)
S.No STATES/ UTs KMS 2018-19 KMS 2019-20 KMS 2020-21 KMS 2021-22* RMS 2018-19 RMS 2019-20 RMS 2020-21 RMS 2021-22
1 Andhra Pradesh 581839 679789 803945 11322
2 Telangana 1474828 1988630 2164354 396991
3 Assam 12921 26537 20401
4 Bihar 210028 279402 497097 19024 3128 554 1002 96701
5 Chandigarh 3028 1537 1575 1781 1557 1691 1410 2039
6 Chhattisgarh 1571414 1838593 2053490 185914
7 Delhi 6 760
8 Gujarat 4370 5115 23799 6308 20768 922 18824 34959
9 Haryana 830792 1891622 549466 310073 883783 902937 780962 760636
10 HP 5489 318 335 1061 3258
11 Jharkhand 34595 53305 104092
12 J&K 3034 3143 7385 7172 3 4127
13 Karnataka 25120 27123 54319
14 Kerala 172795 220066 252160 45185
15 M.P. 362089 436399 587223 10963 959940 961338 1594383 1725133
16 Maharashtra 269148 526476 624292 16416 496
17 Odisha 1010390 1161796 1394647 10870
18 Puducherry 84
19 Punjab 1143713 1125238 1057674 924299 897905 830528 1049982 887521
20 Rajasthan 530 122344 102031 219873 227090
21 Tamilnadu 498097 585241 852152 88761
22 Uttar Pradesh 684013 706549 1022286 230424 1127649 749858 663810 1152311
23 Uttrakhand 62564 83910 78129 56034 16071 6886 4656 24860
24 WB 733357 805186 949362
25 Tripura 5506 13613 14434
Total 9693641 12459354 13112282 2327556 4033463 3557080 4335972 4919891
*KMS 2021-22 is under progress. Data is available from KMS 2015-16 and RMS 2016-17 onwards

Note:  KMS- Kharif Marketing Season, RMS-Rabi Marketing Season.

This information was given by Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.