Pedestrian Safety on National Highways


Construction and maintenance of National Highways is carried out as per relevant Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Codes/manuals, Ministry’s guidelines, relevant international codes and good industry practices. Ministry is according high priority to road safety especially to the safety of pedestrians. IRC-103: 2022 captioned “Guidelines for Pedestrians Facilities” stipulates various provisions of pedestrian facilities like raised footpaths, pedestrian guard rails, central median railings etc. IRC SP- 56: 2011 captioned “Guidelines for Steel Pedestrian Bridges” gives various guidelines on Steel Pedestrian foot over bridges. IRC 99 : 2018 captioned “Guidelines for traffic calming measures in urban and rural areas” stipulates various traffic calming measures including raised pedestrian crossings, rumble strips etc. Apart from this, Ministry issues circulars on various safety aspects including pedestrian safety, for example, Ministry’s circular dated 17-06-2015. These circulars and IRC codes are followed in the design and construction of National Highways based on the traffic levels within the available land and other constraints.

Foot over bridges & underpass are generally constructed as part of the Highway Development projects and are sanctioned in some cases as stand-alone foot over bridge projects & underpass. Funds for development of National Highways are allocated state-wise and not project wise. The details of foot over bridges & underpass sanctioned during the last two years and the current year, State/UT wise including those in the State of Haryana are at Annexure I.

Details of foot over bridges/under passes on National Highways proposed/under construction in the Parliamentary Constituency of Sirsa since 2019 are at Annexure II.



State FOBs Underpasses
Nos. Amount Sanctioned (Rs Cr)


Nos. Amount Sanctioned (Rs Cr)


Haryana 8 8.2 7 110
Rajasthan 1 28.67
Himachal Pradesh 1 1.32
Punjab 15 13.50 5 26
Tamilnadu 3 5.52
Telengana 5 17.36 1 21.16
Maharashtra 1 28.69
Madhya Pradesh 1 14.58




S.No Constituency FOBs proposed/under construction since 2019 Underpasses proposed/under construction since 2019
Nos. Amount Sanctioned


Nos. Amount Sanctioned Rs. In Cr.
1 Sirsa Constituency


Nil Nil 5 no. on Hisar Dabawali section of NH-9, District Fatehbad:


Kharakheri Village, Badopal Village, Dhangar Village, Hanspur Village, Dariyapur Village



This information was given by the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari in a written reply to the Lok Sabha