Odisha Governor lays foundation stone for Second Generation (2G) Ethanol Bio-refinery in Bargarh 


The Foundation Stone for Second Generation (2G) Ethanol Bio-Refinery of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, which is being set up at Baulasingha Village, Bhatli Tehsil, Bargarh district, Odisha, was laid today by His Excellency, Governor of Odisha, Professor GaneshiLal, in the presence ofShriDharmendraPradhan Honorable Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Skill Development &Entrepreneurship, ShriPrafulla Kumar Mallik, Hon’ble Minister for Steel, Mines & Works, Government of Odisha, Smt. SnehanginiChhuria, Hon’ble Minister of State(I/c) Handlooms, Textiles & Handicrafts, Government of Odisha, ShriSushanta Singh Hon’ble Minister of State Labour, ESI & Energy, Government of Odisha, Shri. PrasannaAcharyaHon’ble MP (RajyaSabha), ShriPrabhas Kumar Singh Hon’ble MP, Bargarh (LokSabha), ShriDebeshAcharya, Hon’ble MLA, Bargarh, ShriPradipPurohit,Hon’ble MLA, Padampur, Smt. Rita Sahu, Hon’ble MLA Bijepur, Smt. MuktaSahu Chairman, ZP, Bargarh, ShriMadan Deep Vice-Chairman, ZP, Bargarhand other dignitaries.

Addressing the occasion Hon’ble Governor of Odisha, Prof. GaneshiLal said, “Ethanol plant at Bargarh is a gift to the farmers of Odisha. Setting up an Ethanol plant at here is an exclusive example of the developmental works under SabkaSaathSabkaBikashprogramme laid by the Honorable Prime Minister of India ShriNarendraModiwith a mission to make India world’s super power with the active help and support by each and every citizens of the country. The Ethanol plant at Bargarh is fully dedicated for the welfare of tribal and farmers of the state and it will further transform the socio-economic condition of this particular area with respect to the marginalized sections of the State.”

In his address ShriDharmendraPradhan Honorable Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship said: “With production of 17-18 lakh metric tonne paddy at Bargarh there is always equal amount of straw production in Bargarh. Farmers hardly use 6-7 lakh metric tonnes as fodder for the cattle and other uses whereas they burn 10-12 lakh tonne that creates severe environmental hazards including production of CO2 and the setting up of BPCL Bio-Refinery here will make a permanent solution to such problems with economic development of the farmers to an amazing extent ”.

This Bio-Refinery which is the first of its kind to set up will have a capacity to produce three crorelitres of fuel grade Ethanol annually using Rice Straw as feedstock and the Ethanol produced from this plant will be blended with Petrol. The cost of this project is around Rs 1000 crores.

Biofuels have assumed importance recently due to the growing energy security needs and environmental concerns. Several countries have put forth different mechanism and incentives to encourage use of biofuels to suite their domestic requirements. India has surplus biomass availability of about 120-160 MMT annually which if converted has the potential to yield 3000 crorelitres of Ethanol annually. The National Biofuel Policy of India 2018 targets 20% Ethanol blending to Petrol by year 2030, however due to non-availability of Ethanol, the current Ethanol blending in Petrol is only around 3% to 4%. Setting up of 2G Ethanol plants will help achieve the target of Ethanol blending in Petrol. The Bargarh Bio-Refinery will utilize about two Lakh tons of Rice straw annually as feedstock which will be sourced from nearby locations like Bhatli, Ambabhona, Attabira, Sohela, Burla, Lakhanpur etc.

The Bio-Refineries will contribute to cleaner environment due to usage of waste Rice Straw for Ethanol production thereby reducing waste straw burning in fields. Blending of Ethanol in Petrol will also reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions as compared to fossil fuels. The plant is based on Zero-liquid discharge plant (ZLD) technology where all the water will be recycled back into the plant. In addition to cleaner environment, this project will also help improve the socio-economic conditions of the farmers due to additional income from supply of waste Rice straw to the Bio-Refinery. Also, this will generate employment for approx.1200 persons (both direct & indirect) during construction, operation of plant & supply chain management of biomass thus boosting the Infrastructural development in the area and overall improvement in livelihood. Further, blending of Ethanol also enhances self-sufficiency of the Nation by reducing crude oil imports thereby saving Foreign exchange.