Import and Export of Rice 

The export of basmati rice has increased from USD 3208.60 million in 2016-17 to USD 4712.44 million in 2018-19.

Promotion of exports of agricultural products like basmati rice is a continuous process. The Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), an autonomous organisation under the administrative control of Department of Commerce, has been mandated with the export promotion of rice including basmati rice. APEDA has been able to register Basmati Rice as a Geographical Indication (GI) in February 2016. APEDA, in collaboration with the trade, has also established Basmati Export Development Foundation (BEDF), which undertakes various activities for development and export promotion of Basmati rice. Moreover, APEDA has also been providing assistance to the Basmati rice exporters under various components of its export promotion scheme.

No country has imposed a ban on import of basmati rice from India. The quantum and value of rice exported and imported during each of the last three years and the current year, country and variety-wise (basmati and non-basmati) are:

Export of Basmati Rice

Quantity in MT; Value in USD Million

COUNTRY 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 (Apr-May)
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
IRAN 716582 564.28 877420 904.73 1483697 1556.17 333079 364.09
SAUDI ARAB 809344 671.08 792480 829.61 867741 938.91 171738 183.22
IRAQ 453741 337.32 429965 435.52 385732 399.43 56760 56.95
U ARAB EMTS 614659 467.66 429324 437.66 282375 297.62 35131 39.50
YEMEN REPUBLC 130652 103.28 167687 161.04 201926 209.95 41352 43.06
KUWAIT 162674 149.37 166873 177.91 154745 177.11 31275 32.57
U S A 108992 112.17 126792 149.01 135605 168.74 25135 31.30
U K 150537 101.55 180509 159.17 111924 106.08 14349 13.94
OMAN 83151 75.48 78085 89.64 87832 96.61 13771 15.63
QATAR 81961 72.47 81101 82.08 73569 76.08 18126 18.26
OTHER COUNTRIES 672917 553.92 726611 743.19 629459 685.75 123312 133.68
TOTAL 3985210 3208.60 4056847 4169.56 4414605 4712.44 864028 932.20


Export of Non-Basmati Rice

Quantity in MT; Value in USD Million

COUNTRY 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 (Apr-May)
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
NEPAL 583737 209.73 624860 240.40 770118 281.14 88905 36.00
BENIN 702183 251.87 778779 314.19 699005 264.16 73372 27.33
BANGLADESH PR 82689 29.67 2037980 835.39 480566 221.90 2550 2.28
SENEGAL 676060 189.68 833059 263.22 720475 220.83 11242 4.20
GUINEA 541573 182.44 461978 173.81 467693 175.93 56369 21.04
COTE D’ IVOIRE 375024 124.14 398490 148.95 438089 163.17 61277 22.92
U ARAB EMTS 260223 133.71 273773 149.21 291579 147.69 27197 14.23
SOMALIA 354677 121.66 328257 125.38 326919 120.89 64678 23.68
INDONESIA 52214 18.51 39033 14.27 326005 119.22 0 0.00
LIBERIA 252381 90.97 264154 100.20 301112 116.97 380 0.13
OTHER COUNTRIES 2890072 1172.80 2778170 1271.57 2778188 1208.32 325867 142.01
TOTAL 6770833 2525.19 8818533 3636.60 7599749 3040.22 711837 293.82


Import of Non-Basmati Rice

Quantity in MT; Value in USD

COUNTRY 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 (Apr-May)
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
SUDAN 0 0.00 0 0.00 3316 1568803.00 0 0.00
THAILAND 402 346701.00 508 483312.00 685 834602.00 170 204854.00
SPAIN 193 171059.00 575 469638.00 576 486171.00 225 184778.00
U S A 356 356427.00 269 270738.00 430 468700.00 169 192146.00
ITALY 139 175164.00 239 359123.00 220 223463.00 2 2675.00
OTHER COUNTRIES 54 30952.00 531 309336.00 1644 979216.00 199 122077.00
TOTAL 1144 1080303.00 2122 1892147.00 6871 4560955.00 765 706530.00

There are no imports of Basmati Rice                                                                           Source: DGCI&S

This information was given by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, PiyushGoyal, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.