3620 Beedi Workers Trained Under the Skill Development Programme 


This Ministry has initiated a Skill Development Programme in collaboration with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and National Skill Development Corporation to provide alternative livelihood to beedi workers and their dependents.

Various Courses in which Skill Development Training has been imparted:

  1. Account Using Tally
  2. CNC Operator
  3. Hotel Management (Front Office Associate)
  4. Sewing Machine Operator
  5. Food & Beverages Service
  6. A/C & Fridge Mechanic
  7. Customer Care Executive
  8. Solar PV Installation
  9. Tailoring
  10. Solar Panel Installation
  11. Asstt. Electrician
  12. Asstt. Beauty Therapist
  13. Basic Computer Course
  14. General Duty Asstt.
  15. Field Technician
  16. Automobile Repairing
  17. Plumbing
  18. Beautician
  19. Mushroom Cultivation
  20. Banking & Accountancy
  21. Medical & Nursing Course
  22. Hand Embroidery
  23. Jam & Jelly Making
  24. Computer Hardware
  25. Pickle Making
  26. Stitching & Fashion Designing
  27. Soft Toys Making
  28. Agarbatti Making
  29. Bag Making
  30. LED Technician
  31. CCTV Technician


Number of beedi workers engaged in beedi rolling industry region-wise:


Name of Region No of beedi workers
Ahmedabad 39206
Ajmer 40647
Allahabad 464459
Bengaluru 244140
Bhubneshwar 221439
Hyderabad 456606
Jabalpur 897191
Kolkatta 1674249
Guwahati 9747
Kannur 39322
Nagpur 100405
Patna 300223
Raipur 9876


Ranchi 579985
Total 5586623

3620 beedi   workers   were trained under the skill development programme and 461 of them shifted to alternate livelihoods.This information was given by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar Union Minister of State (I/C) for Labour and Employment in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha