The Charisma of Narendra Modi


Now everybody admits to the charisma of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The doubting Thomases, who were skeptical about BJP’s victory in Gujarat, have been effectively silenced. Though the margin shrunk the party won Gujrat against all odds.

Truth to speak Modi’s charisma has been working since he took oath as the Prime Minister of the country in 2014, becoming the first ever PM to be born after the country attained independence.

His background fascinates people. Coming from a poverty-stricken family he turned into a development-oriented leader and became the longest-serving chief minister of Gujarat. People love the way he speaks and connects with them.

After assuming office Modi launched several welfare schemes and projects especially targeting the poor segments of the society. His Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana ensured that every citizen is integrated in the financial system of the nation. His call for ‘Make in India’ had its focus on making business easy and has stimulated enterprise among investors.

The government of India launched three social security schemes for the people of India and also focused on giving pension to the elderly and insurance cover to the poor.
In July 2015, the prime minister unveiled the ‘Digital India Mission’ to create a Digital India where technology plays a key role in bringing a qualitative change in the lives of people.

An indefatigable campaigner he has been portraying himself as someone capable of turning around India’s economy. In May 2014, he and his party were victorious with a comfortable majority in the Lok Sabha. The victory was a big blow to the Congress, which had controlled politics of the country for the longest period after independence.

En route to becoming the Prime Minister of the country he has won many accolades. He continues to earn plaudits even after becoming Prime Minister. His foreign policy has also been appreciated far and wide. His visit to the UAE in August 2015, the first by an Indian Prime Minister in 34 years, covered a lot of ground in enhancing India’s economic partnership with the Gulf.

He is also known as India’s most techno-savvy leader, using the web to reach out to people and bring about change in their lives. He is very active on social media platforms. These have made him popular with the young voters who, in the past, had never been comfortable with the BJP.

This does not mean that Modi does not have his share of criticism. Political rivals and even critics from some other spheres of life have slammed him for allegedly showing a dictatorial streak. While some dubbed him “authoritarian” some others think that he is trying to usurp the legacy of first Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru.

What cannot be denied, however, is that he is a determined man who does not vacillate. And once he takes a decision he carries it out come what may. “This should not be seen as a negative quality. This, in fact, is a sign of firmness which is very important in a leader who is leading a country as big and diverse as India,” said an observer.