Renovation of Old Dams


Central Water Commission (CWC) compiles and maintains  National Register of Large Dams (NRLD) as per input/information provided by dam owners. Latest edition of NRLD was published in June 2019. As per NRLD-2019, there are 227 large dams in the country, which are more than 100 years old (constructed on/before 1921). List of the same is enclosed as Annexure I.

Government of India with financial assistance from the World Bank implemented Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) during April 2012 to March 2021, with rehabilitation provision of 223 dams located in 7 States (namely Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand). The objective of this Scheme was to improve the safety and operational performance of selected existing dams along with institutional strengthening of participating States/agencies. The original financial outlay was Rs.3466 Cr, with final completion cost of Rs.2567 Cr. The details of agency wise number of dams rehabilitated along with cost are given at Annexure-II.

Ministry of Jal Shakti has again initiated DRIP Phase II and Phase III by inviting proposals from the States. This new Scheme has nineteen (19) States, and three Central Agencies on board. The budget outlay is Rs.10,211 Cr (Phase II: Rs.5107 Cr; Phase III: Rs.5104 Cr) with rehabilitation provision of 736 dams. The Phase II of DRIP is being co-financed by World Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), whereas funding for Phase III will be triggered at later stage. The Scheme is of 10 years duration, proposed to be implemented in two Phases, each of six year duration with two years overlap. Each Phase has external assistance of US$500 Million. The Union Cabinet has approved the Scheme on October 29, 2020. The details of agency wise proposed number of dams along with estimated cost are given at Annexure-III.

DRIP and DRIP Phase II & Phase III are State Sector Schemes with Central component, with back to back loan arrangement. DRIP had no central grant. In DRIP Phase II & Phase III, Special Category States i.e. Manipur, Meghalaya and Uttarakhand are getting 90% of loan amount as Central Grant from Government of India. The Scheme is planned for operationalization in October/November 2021.The details of State wise allocated budget and expenditure during last three years is appended as Annexure IV.                                This information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Food Processing Industries, ShriPrahlad Singh Patel in a written reply in the LokSabha today.



Large Dams more than 100 yrs old- as per NRLD 2019
S.N. State Count
1 Andaman and Nicobar Island 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 5
3 Arunanchal Pradesh 0
4 Assam 0
5 Bihar 1
6 Chandigarh 0
7 Chhattisgarh 7
8 Dadara and Nagar Havelli 0
9 Daman and Diu 0
10 Goa 0
11 Gujarat 30
12 Haryana 0
13 Himachal Pradesh 0
14 Jammu and Kashmir 0
15 Jharkhand 0
16 Karnataka 15
17 Kerala 1
18 Lakshadweep 0
19 Madhya Pradesh 62
20 Maharashtra 42
21 Manipur 0
22 Meghalaya 0
23 Mizoram 0
24 Nagaland 0
25 Delhi 0
26 Odisha 3
27 Puducherry 0
28 Punjab 0
29 Rajasthan 25
30 Sikkim 0
31 Tamil Nadu 1
32 Tripura 0
33 Uttar Pradesh 17
34 Uttarakhand 0
35 West Bengal 0
36 Telangana 18
Total 227


Large Dams more than 100 yrs old- as per NRLD 2019
Sr.No. Project Identification Code (PIC) Name of Dam Year of Completion State
1 AP01MH0001 Cumbhum 1500 Andhra Pradesh
2 AP01LH0002 Dondapadu tank 1910 Andhra Pradesh
3 AP01MH0003 Siddapuram Tank 1919 Andhra Pradesh
4 AP01MH0004 Mopad Reservoir 1921 Andhra Pradesh
5 AP01MH0144 Thotapally Barrage 1908 Andhra Pradesh
6 BR02MH0001 KHARAGPUR LAKE 1876 Bihar
7 CG03LH0001 KHAPRI TANK 1908 Chhattisgarh
8 CG03LH0002 KURUD 1909 Chhattisgarh
9 CG03LH0003 PINDRAWAN TANK 1909 Chhattisgarh
10 CG03MH0004 DARRITOLA 1910 Chhattisgarh
11 CG03LH0005 DHANRAS 1911 Chhattisgarh
12 CG03LH0006 AMACHUWA TANK 1917 Chhattisgarh
13 CG03MH0007 TANDULA TANK 1921 Chhattisgarh
14 GJ04LH0001 Bhadhaka 1868 Gujarat
15 GJ04MH0002 Panelia 1882 Gujarat
16 GJ04LH0003 Revania 1882 Gujarat
17 GJ04MH0004 Ajwa 1892 Gujarat
18 GJ04MH0006 Veri 1900 Gujarat
19 GJ04MH0007 Khambhala 1901 Gujarat
20 GJ04LH0008 Vijarkhi 1901 Gujarat
21 GJ04MH0009 Adhia 1902 Gujarat
22 GJ04MH0010 Alansagar 1901 Gujarat
23 GJ04LH0011 Hanshthal 1902 Gujarat
24 GJ04LH0012 Moldi 1902 Gujarat
25 GJ04LH0013 Rajavadala 1902 Gujarat
26 GJ04MH0014 MotaAnkadia 1903 Gujarat
27 GJ04MH0015 Chimnabai-Lake 1906 Gujarat
28 GJ04MH0016 Paneli 1906 Gujarat
29 GJ04MH0017 Anandpar 1907 Gujarat
30 GJ04MH0018 Kuvadwa 1908 Gujarat
31 GJ04LH0019 Savli 1910 Gujarat
32 GJ04MH0020 Dhanora 1911 Gujarat
33 GJ04LH0021 MotaBandharia 1911 Gujarat
34 GJ04MH0022 Muvalia 1911 Gujarat
35 GJ04MH0023 Doswada 1912 Gujarat
36 GJ04MH0024 Limla 1912 Gujarat
37 GJ04LH0025 Vangroli 1912 Gujarat
38 GJ04MH0027 Fakirwadi 1913 Gujarat
39 GJ04LH0028 Dhameli 1914 Gujarat
40 GJ04MH0029 Ramdhani 1914 Gujarat
41 GJ04LH0030 Pichhavi 1916 Gujarat
42 GJ04LH0031 Vadatalav 1916 Gujarat
43 GJ04MH0215 Zinzari 1912 Gujarat
44 KA06MH0001 Thonnur Tank 1000 Karnataka
45 KA06LH0002 Madaga Tank (old) 1908 Karnataka
46 KA06MH0003 Kottur Tank 1888 Karnataka
47 KA06MH0004 Boranakanive Tank 1892 Karnataka
48 KA06LH0005 MaidalAmanikere Tank 1895 Karnataka
49 KA06LH0006 Hesaraghatta Reservoir 1896 Karnataka
50 KA06MH0008 Deepambudikere Tank 1906 Karnataka
51 KA06LH0010 Kadaba Tank 1906 Karnataka
52 KA06LH0011 KunigalDodakere Tank 1906 Karnataka
53 KA06LH0012 Nidasale Tank 1906 Karnataka
54 KA06LH0013 Nittur Tank 1906 Karnataka
55 KA06LH0014 Ranikere Tank 1907 Karnataka
56 KA06HH0015 VanivilasaSagar Dam 1907 Karnataka
57 KA06HH0016 Madagamasur Tank 1908 Karnataka
58 KA06LH0017 Mavathur Tank 1908 Karnataka
59 KL12HH0001 Periyar 1895 Kerala
60 MP08MH0001 TEKANPUR 1895 Madhya Pradesh
61 MP08LH0002 SARRA 1896 Madhya Pradesh
62 MP08LH0003 JAWAHARGARH 1899 Madhya Pradesh
63 MP08LH0004 KHANPURA 1907 Madhya Pradesh
64 MP08LH0005 DINORA 1907 Madhya Pradesh
65 MP08LH0006 BIRPUR 1908 Madhya Pradesh
66 MP08LH0007 ANTALWASA 1908 Madhya Pradesh
67 MP08LH0008 BELGAON 1909 Madhya Pradesh
68 MP08LH0009 BASINKHAR 1909 Madhya Pradesh
69 MP08LH0010 LOKPAL SAGAR 1909 Madhya Pradesh
70 MP08LH0011 BITHLEE 1910 Madhya Pradesh
71 MP08LH0012 RECHHAI 1910 Madhya Pradesh
72 MP08LH0013 KAMERA 1910 Madhya Pradesh
73 MP08LH0014 KOTA 1910 Madhya Pradesh
74 MP08MH0015 ROOMAL 1910 Madhya Pradesh
75 MP08LH0016 JUMNERA 1910 Madhya Pradesh
76 MP08LH0017 DONGER BODI 1911 Madhya Pradesh
77 MP08LH0018 ADNER 1911 Madhya Pradesh
78 MP08LH0019 NAGDAGAJORA 1911 Madhya Pradesh
79 MP08LH0020 GORKHA BANDHA 1912 Madhya Pradesh
80 MP08LH0021 PANAGAR 1912 Madhya Pradesh
81 MP08LH0022 CHIRAIPANI 1913 Madhya Pradesh
82 MP08LH0023 KHERIA 1913 Madhya Pradesh
83 MP08LH0024 PIPREHETA 1913 Madhya Pradesh
84 MP08LH0025 JHALONI 1913 Madhya Pradesh
85 MP08LH0026 DHAPORA 1913 Madhya Pradesh
86 MP08LH0027 RAJGARH 1914 Madhya Pradesh
87 MP08LH0028 MAJHGAWAN 1914 Madhya Pradesh
88 MP08LH0029 PILLOWA 1914 Madhya Pradesh
89 MP08MH0030 KOTWAL 1914 Madhya Pradesh
90 MP08LH0031 RAMGARHI 1915 Madhya Pradesh
91 MP08LH0032 KHANKURIA 1915 Madhya Pradesh
92 MP08LH0033 JAMAKHERI 1915 Madhya Pradesh
93 MP08LH0034 KESHOPUR 1916 Madhya Pradesh
94 MP08LH0035 MOMANPURA 1916 Madhya Pradesh
95 MP08LH0036 AMA NALLA (OLD) 1916 Madhya Pradesh
96 MP08LH0037 KUTARI NALLA 1916 Madhya Pradesh
97 MP08MH0038 JAGLA TANK 1916 Madhya Pradesh
98 MP08LH0039 BHAROLI 1916 Madhya Pradesh
99 MP08LH0040 MOHARI 1916 Madhya Pradesh
100 MP08LH0041 AHMADPUR 1916 Madhya Pradesh
101 MP08LH0042 NAROLA 1916 Madhya Pradesh
102 MP08LH0043 RANJEET 1916 Madhya Pradesh
103 MP08LH0044 SILODA 1916 Madhya Pradesh
104 MP08MH0045 GOVINDGARH 1917 Madhya Pradesh
105 MP08LH0046 HARDUAMUDAR 1917 Madhya Pradesh
106 MP08LH0047 MAUSANDHA 1917 Madhya Pradesh
107 MP08LH0048 SAMARSINGHA 1917 Madhya Pradesh
108 MP08LH0049 AMAHI 1917 Madhya Pradesh
109 MP08MH0050 RAMPUR 1917 Madhya Pradesh
110 MP08MH0051 TIGRA 1917 Madhya Pradesh
111 MP08MH0052 HARSI 1917 Madhya Pradesh
112 MP08MH0053 PATHARHATTA 1918 Madhya Pradesh
113 MP08LH0054 DHARWARA 1918 Madhya Pradesh
114 MP08LH0055 CHANDAPATHA 1918 Madhya Pradesh
115 MP08LH0056 AMETHA 1918 Madhya Pradesh
116 MP08LH0057 BAISLY 1919 Madhya Pradesh
117 MP08LH0058 CHHOTI DEORI 1919 Madhya Pradesh
118 MP08LH0059 LOWER SAKARWARA 1919 Madhya Pradesh
119 MP08MH0060 BADERA 1920 Madhya Pradesh
120 MP08LH0061 JAGUWA 1921 Madhya Pradesh
121 MP08MH0062 JAMUNIA 1921 Madhya Pradesh
122 MH09LH0001 DHAMAPUR 1600 Maharashtra
123 MH09LH0002 RUSHI 1800 Maharashtra
124 MH09LH0003 MUDANA 1800 Maharashtra
125 MH09LH0004 KALAPVIHIR 1800 Maharashtra
126 MH09MH0005 VIHAR 1860 Maharashtra
127 MH09LH0006 AMBAZARI 1870 Maharashtra
128 MH09MH0007 EKRUKH 1871 Maharashtra
129 MH09MH0008 MAYANI 1872 Maharashtra
130 MH09MH0009 MUKTI 1873 Maharashtra
131 MH09LH0010 RANKALA 1883 Maharashtra
132 MH09MH0011 SHIRSUFAL 1879 Maharashtra
133 MH09MH0012 TULSHI 1879 Maharashtra
134 MH09HH0013 KHADAKWASLA 1880 Maharashtra
135 MH09MH0014 ASHTI 1883 Maharashtra
136 MH09MH0015 PARSUL 1884 Maharashtra
137 MH09LH0016 SHANIMANDAL 1885 Maharashtra
138 MH09MH0017 MHASWAD 1887 Maharashtra
139 MH09MH0018 NHER 1889 Maharashtra
140 MH09MH0019 BHATODI 1892 Maharashtra
141 MH09HH0020 TANSA 1892 Maharashtra
142 MH09MH0021 SHETFAL 1901 Maharashtra
143 MH09LH0022 WADSHIVANE 1902 Maharashtra
144 MH09MH0023 KHAIRBANDHA 1903 Maharashtra
145 MH09LH0024 KHIRDISATHE 1904 Maharashtra
146 MH09MH0025 PATHARI 1905 Maharashtra
147 MH09LH0026 KUMBHALI 1907 Maharashtra
148 MH09LH0027 PAWANPAR 1909 Maharashtra
149 MH09HH0028 CHANKAPUR 1911 Maharashtra
150 MH09MH0029 GOREWADA 1911 Maharashtra
151 MH09LH0030 GADMOSHI 1912 Maharashtra
152 MH09LH0031 JANALA 1912 Maharashtra
153 MH09LH0032 KHAIRI 1913 Maharashtra
154 MH09MH0033 RAMTEK 1913 Maharashtra
155 MH09MH0034 CHANDPUR 1915 Maharashtra
156 MH09MH0035 LONAVALA 1916 Maharashtra
157 MH09MH0036 WALWAN 1916 Maharashtra
158 MH09MH0037 DARNA 1916 Maharashtra
159 MH09LH0038 PANGADI 1917 Maharashtra
160 MH09MH0039 BODALKASA 1917 Maharashtra
161 MH09MH0040 ASOLAMENDHA 1918 Maharashtra
162 MH09HH0041 SHIRVATA 1920 Maharashtra
163 MH09LH0838 MHASWA 1880 Maharashtra
164 OR10MH0001 SORODA 1896 Odisha
165 OR10MH0158 BHANJANAGAR 1894 Odisha
166 OR10LH0197 JAGANNATHASAGAR 1781 Odisha
167 RA11HH0001 RAJSAMAND 1676 Rajasthan
168 RA11HH0002 JAI SAMAND 1730 Rajasthan
169 RA11MH0003 SWAROOP SAGAR 1560 Rajasthan
170 RA11MH0004 HINGONIA 1862 Rajasthan
171 RA11MH0006 KHARAD 1877 Rajasthan
172 RA11LH0007 KALAKH SAGAR 1883 Rajasthan
173 RA11MH0008 TORDI SAGAR 1887 Rajasthan
174 RA11LH0009 MADHO SAGAR 1887 Rajasthan
175 RA11MH0010 FATEH SAGAR 1889 Rajasthan
176 RA11MH0011 BUCHARA 1889 Rajasthan
177 RA11HH0012 JASWANT SAGAR 1889 Rajasthan
178 RA11LH0013 CHAPARWARA 1894 Rajasthan
179 RA11MH0014 SAINTHAL SAGAR 1898 Rajasthan
180 RA11MH0015 SHEEL KI DUNGRI 1900 Rajasthan
181 RA11MH0016 RAM GARH 1901 Rajasthan
182 RA11MH0018 SARDAR SAMAND 1905 Rajasthan
183 RA11MH0019 HEMAWAS 1911 Rajasthan
184 RA11MH0020 DHEEL 1911 Rajasthan
185 RA11MH0171 UDAI SAGAR 1585 Rajasthan
186 RA11LH0175 JAISAMAND 1910 Rajasthan
187 RA11LH0177 NAHAR SAGAR 1909 Rajasthan
188 RA11LH0178 BANKALI 1906 Rajasthan
189 RA11LH0180 KUKAS 1901 Rajasthan
190 RA11MH0199 BARETHA BUND 1897 Rajasthan
191 RA11LH0211 UmedSagar 1917 Rajasthan
192 TN12HH0002 Pechipparai 1906 Tamil Nadu
193 UP13MH0001 BARWA SAGAR 1694 Uttar Pradesh
194 UP13LH0002 MAGAR PUR 1694 Uttar Pradesh
195 UP13LH0003 PACHWARA LAKE 1694 Uttar Pradesh
196 UP13MH0004 PARICHHA 1886 Uttar Pradesh
197 UP13MH0005 DHEKWAN 1909 Uttar Pradesh
198 UP13LH0006 PAHUJ 1909 Uttar Pradesh
199 UP13LH0007 SUKHRA 1909 Uttar Pradesh
200 UP13LH0008 LACHURA 1910 Uttar Pradesh
201 UP13LH0009 SIORI LAKE 1911 Uttar Pradesh
202 UP13LH0010 PAHARI 1912 Uttar Pradesh
203 UP13MH0011 GANGAU 1915 Uttar Pradesh
204 UP13LH0013 GHORI 1915 Uttar Pradesh
205 UP13MH0014 KOTRA KHAMBHA 1915 Uttar Pradesh
206 UP13MH0015 KHAPATIA 1916 Uttar Pradesh
207 UP13MH0016 DHANDHRAUL 1917 Uttar Pradesh
208 UP13MH0017 MAJHGAWAN 1917 Uttar Pradesh
209 UP13MH0018 DONGIA 1918 Uttar Pradesh
210 TL47MH0001 Shanigram 1891 Telangana
211 TL47MH0002 Large Tank, Peddamallareddy 1892 Telangana
212 TL47MH0003 Large Tank, Kachapur 1896 Telangana
213 TL47MH0004 Large Tank, Kamareddy 1897 Telangana
214 TL47LH0005 Large tank, Malkapur 1898 Telangana
215 TL47LH0006 Large Tank, Jangampally 1898 Telangana
216 TL47MH0007 Large Tank, AdloorYellareddy 1901 Telangana
217 TL47MH0008 Pakhal Lake 1902 Telangana
218 TL47LH0009 MallareddyCheru, Bhiknoor 1905 Telangana
219 TL47LH0010 Udayasamudram 1906 Telangana
220 TL47LH0011 ChoudariCheru, Polkampet 1908 Telangana
221 TL47MH0012 Lakhnavaram Tank 1909 Telangana
222 TL47MH0013 Large Tank, Bibipet 1911 Telangana
223 TL47LH0014 PeddaCheru, Vellutla 1912 Telangana
224 TL47MH0015 Large Tank, Pulkal 1918 Telangana
225 TL47LH0016 Large tank, Uppalwai 1918 Telangana
226 TL47MH0017 Ramappa Lake 1919 Telangana
227 TL47HH0018 Osman Sagar 1920 Telangana





Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) Agency wise number of dams rehabilitated

S. No.  

Implementing Agency


No. of dams

Completion Cost (Cr.)
1 Madhya Pradesh WRD 25 146
2 Odisha WRD 26 336
3 Tamil Nadu WRD 69 506


Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited  




5 Kerala WRD 16 271
6 Kerala State Electricity Board 37 124
7 Karnataka WRD 22 494
8 UttarakhandJalVidyut Nigam Limited 5 226
9 Damodar Valley


3 100
10 CWC 201
Total 2567




DRIP Phase II & Phase III

Agency wise proposed number of dams along with estimated cost

S.No. State/Agency No. of Dams Project Cost (In Cr.)
1. Andhra Pradesh 31 667
2. BBMB 2 230
3. Chattisgarh 5 133
4. CWC 570
5. DVC 5 144
6. Goa 2 58
7. Gujarat 6 400
8. Jharkhand 35 238
9. Karnataka 41 612
10. Kerala SEB 12 150
11. Kerela WRD 16 166
12. Madhya Pradesh 27 186
13. Maharashtra 167 940
14. Manipur 2 311
15. Meghalaya 6 441
16. Odisha 36 804
17. Punjab 12 442
18. Rajasthan 189 965
19. Tamilnadu 59 1064
20. Telangana 29 545
21. Uttar Pradesh 39 787
22. UJVNL 6 274
23. West Bengal 9 84
Total 736 10211




Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP)

State wise cost of the project and last three year expenditure





Implementing Agency















RE (Cr.) Expenditure


1. Madhya Pradesh














2. Odisha WRD 181 49 152 89 77 52
3. Tamil Nadu WRD 109 72 72 56 33 41
4. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board  












5. Kerala WRD 100 55 88 27 55 37
6. Kerala State

Electricity Board













7. Karnataka WRD 265 139 100 48 40 15


UttarakhandJalVidyut Nigam Limited  












9. Damodar Valley














10. CWC 36 34 30 24 22 21
901 465 604 332 392 273