Over 84,67,000 projects grounded for construction and 50,16,642 houses delivered to the beneficiaries under Housing For All programme


States/ Union Territories (UTs)have undertaken demand survey to assess the actual demand of housing under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana–Urban (PMAY-U) and assessed demand reported by States/ UTs is around 112.24 lakhs. Based on the project proposals submitted by  the states/UTs as per their assessed demand, a total of 112,95,047 houses have been sanctioned across the country. Against the total sanctioned houses, 84,67,568 have been grounded for construction and 50,16,642 have been completed and delivered to beneficiaries. State/ UT-wise details are at Annexure.                                                           The Scheme has progressed well, which is reflected from the fact that this Ministry has already sanctioned entire assessed demand of houses under the Scheme; out of which over 50 lakh have already been completed/delivered to beneficiaries and remaining are at various stages of construction. The Scheme is well poised to achieve the vision of ‘Housing for All’ within the Mission period.                                                        To achieve the Mission of ‘Housing for All’ by 2022, States/ UTs have been advised to ground for construction of the remaining sanctioned houses, complete all houses already grounded and saturate the demand city-wise.  Further, this Ministry has taken following steps for effective implementation of the Scheme:                                                             Ministry monitors progress of the Scheme through periodic review meetings, video-conferences and field visits.                                                                                                 To ensure uninterrupted flow of funds, in addition to budgetary resources, National Urban Housing Fund (NUHF) for ₹60,000 crore has been created for raising Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) in phases for rapid implementation of the Scheme.

  1. Use of Information/ Space Technology through PMAY(U)-MIS (Management Information System), Bhuvan Portal, PFMS (Public Financial Management System) and Geo-tagging/ Geo-fencing of sanctioned houses are being done for effective monitoring and expeditious release of Central Assistance.
  2. Payment through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Mode and Aadhaar seeding of beneficiaries is ensured for transparency and accountability.
  3. Alternative and innovative construction technologies have been promoted under the Scheme for rapid delivery of houses.
  4. A web based monitoring system; CLSS Awas Portal (CLAP) has been developed where all stakeholders such as MoHUA, Central Nodal Agencies, Primary Lending Institutions, Beneficiaries and Citizens are integrated in real time environment. The portal facilitates expeditious processing of applications along with tracking of subsidy status by beneficiaries.
  5. PMAY-U Awards 2021 have been strategized through 100-Days Challenge for performance against pre-defined indicators with emphasis on grounding, completion, occupancy of houses and declaration of ‘HFA Achieved Cities/ States/ UTs’ during the period from 21.06.2021 to 30.09.2021.

In-Situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) vertical of PMAY-U, specifically targets at redevelopment of slums in the country towards making urban India slum free. It adopts the strategy of using land as a resource, aiming at leveraging the locked potential of land under slums to provide houses to eligible slum dwellers. The projects for redevelopment of slums are prepared by respective States/UTs and approved by State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSMC). After approval from the concerned SLSMC, the States/UTs submit the proposals to this Ministry for approval of Central Assistance by the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee. This Ministry provides Central Assistance of ₹1 lakh/house under ISSR vertical of the Scheme.


State/UT-wise details of number of houses sanctioned, grounded for Construction and completed/delivered under PMAY-U


Sl No.



Physical Progress of construction of houses

(No. of Houses)

Sanctioned Grounded^ Constructed/Delivered^
1 A&N Island (UT) 602 47 43
2 Andhra Pradesh 20,37,786 15,17,677 4,62,781
3 Arunachal Pradesh 7,427 7,925 3,412
4 Assam 1,37,744 1,00,583 29,711
5 Bihar 3,63,895 2,16,383 93,713
6 Chandigarh(UT) 1,524 6,484 6,484
7 Chhattisgarh 2,98,062 2,12,900 1,40,155
8 UT of DNH &DD 7,791 7,344 5,134
9 Delhi(NCR) 25,248 65,828 49,228
10 Goa 4,074 4,016 4,016
11 Gujarat 8,24,185 7,44,304 5,82,583
12 Haryana 2,84,539 77,114 44,119
13 Himachal Pradesh 12,565 10,678 5,763
14 J&K(UT) 56,151 42,928 10,654
15 Jharkhand 2,34,482 1,64,742 1,02,287
16 Karnataka 6,90,819 4,55,594 2,47,492
17 Kerala 1,29,307 1,22,805 99,840
18 Ladakh(UT) 1,777 1,038 480
19 Lakshadweep(UT)
20 Madhya Pradesh 8,56,910 7,66,843 4,55,169
21 Maharashtra 13,23,124 7,53,824 4,96,214
22 Manipur 53,535 37,591 5,571
23 Meghalaya 5,329 2,462 1,668
24 Mizoram 39,867 19,510 4,688
25 Nagaland 34,227 30,043 6,052
26 Odisha 1,77,187 1,31,999 94,855
27 Puducherry(UT) 14,838 15,086 6,255
28 Punjab 1,08,662 86,039 44,072
29 Rajasthan 2,14,185 1,57,574 1,31,189
30 Sikkim 635 638 342
31 TamilNadu 7,14,885 6,08,407 4,42,097
32 Telangana 2,24,206 2,35,597 2,05,120
33 Tripura 92,035 67,044 52,810
34 Uttar Pradesh 17,29,427 13,57,031 8,73,370
35 Uttarakhand 44,639 28,755 20,940
36 West Bengal 5,29,101 3,96,458 2,74,058
Total*: 112,95,047 84,67,568 50,16,642

*Includes14,277 beneficiaries for which subsidy has been released to Banks and HFCs recently under CLSS.

Includes incomplete houses of earlier JnNURM scheme taken up and completed post 2014.

This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Kaushal Kishore, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.