Railway Projects 

State-wise details of projects of New Line, Gauge Conversion, Doubling and electrification in Budget which are in different stages of execution/ planning are as under:-


Name of State                        No. of projects*
New Line Gauge Conversion Doubling Electrification
Assam & North Eastern Region 15 6 3
Andhra Pradesh 18 15 6
Bihar 34 5 14 12
Chhattisgarh 8 9 1
Delhi 1 5 1
Gujarat 4 25 13 7
Goa 1
Haryana 7 1 4 8
Himachal Pradesh 4
Jammu & Kashmir 1 2
Jharkhand 14 18 6
Karnataka 16 15 8
Kerala 2 8 1
Madhya Pradesh 8 5 25 11
Maharashtra 12 4 18 13
Odisha 10 25 4
Punjab 6 9 5
Rajasthan 10 6 16 11
Telangana 9 5 3
Tamil Nadu 8 5 11 4
Uttar Pradesh 15 8 61 24
Uttarakhand 3 1 2
West Bengal 18 4 39 4


Some of the projects fall in more than one State.

The completion of Railway projects requires clearance from various departments of State Government and Central Ministries like acquisition of land, statutory clearances like forestry and wild life, shifting of utilities etc., which affect the pace and timely execution of projects, hence no time frame can be given. Further, the details of all works included in budget including funds spent on each project, allotment of funds and expenditure are made available in public domain on Indian Railways website i.e. www.indianrailways.gov.in and are also available in Pink Books presented before the House alongwith Budget every year.

For timely completion of the projects, Railways is holding regular meetings with State Government and concerned Central Government officials on various issues involving alignment, land acquisition, forestry and wild life clearances, law & order problems, shifting of utilities etc.

For important projects, capacity enhancement projects, last mile connectivity etc, institutional financing has been done by arranging loan from M/s Life Insurance Corporation of India Limited for 1.5 lakh crore, which has increased Railways’ capacity for committed fund provision for essential projects.

This information was given by the Minister of State of Railways, Shri Rajen Gohain in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha