Details of manufacturer, date of expiry, price and other details of the product should be legibly given on packages of all products – Shri Ram Vilas Paswan


Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Shri Ram Vilas Paswanhas said that the details of manufacturer, date of expiry, MRP and other details of the product should be legible and should be given on packages of all the products. He urged consumers to file complaints, if they found any information missing on the package of any product. He said that this will create deterrence in the minds of the manufacturers who indulge in unfairpractices or pushing sub-standard products into themarket.

Replying to media queries today during a Video press conference, Shri Paswan informed that the Department of Legal Metrology, Guntur in AP has registered a complaint against the pharmaceutical distributor of medicine ‘Seder OM’. Shri Paswan informed that as per the complaint received, the name of the Manufacturer, Helpline number and date of expiry are not visible. It is further alleged that the size of the numerals and letters of the declaration is less than 1 mm and not easily legible on the above medicine packages. He said that raidswere conducted on the premises of the distributor and seller under section 15 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and packets of the above medicine have been seized.