Cold Storage Facilities in the Country


As per available information, there are 8186 number of cold storages with capacity of 374.25 Lakh MT is available in the country for storing perishable horticulture produce like fruits and vegetables. State/UT wise details of cold storage is at Annexure – I.

The information regarding capacity utilization, real time data regarding availability, cost etc on cold storage facilities for farmers and traders etc. is not centrally maintained by the Ministry. There is no real-time monitoring System.

A study on All India Cold-chain Infrastructure Capacity (AICIC-2015) carried out by NABARD Consultancy Service (NABCONS) assessed requirement of 350 lakh MT capacity of cold storage for perishable fruits and vegetables. Currently, there is 374.25 Lakh MT capacity of cold storages is available in the country.

Government is implementing following schemes under which financial assistance is provided for setting up of cold storages throughout the country to bridge the gap between availability and required cold storage capacity:

  1. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH):

Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare is implementing Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) under which financial assistance is provided for various horticulture activities including setting up of cold storages. The component is demand/entrepreneur driven for which Government assistance in the form of credit linked back ended subsidy is available at the rate of 35% (for general areas) and 50% (for hilly and scheduled areas) of eligible capital cost of the project for both public and private sector enterprises.

  1. Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana (PMKSY):

Ministry of Food Processing Industries is implementing the Scheme for Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure as one of the component of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) with the objective of reducing post-harvest losses of horticulture & non-horticulture produce and providing remunerative price to farmers for their produce. Under the scheme, Ministry provides financial assistance in the form of grant-in-aid at the rate 35% for general areas and 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP areas and Islands for storage and transport infrastructure and at the rate of 50% and 75% respectively for value addition and processing infrastructure subject to a maximum of Rs.10 crore per project for setting up Integrated Cold Chain projects including Irradiation facility. Standalone cold storages are not covered under the Scheme.

This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Rajya Sabha today.


State wise distribution of Cold Storages as on 31.08.2020


S. No. Name of the State Total
No. Capacity (MT)
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT) 3 810
2 Andhra Pradesh & Telangana 405 1567664
3 Arunachal Pradesh 2 6000
4 Assam 39 178096
5 Bihar 311 1479122
6 Chandigarh (UT) 7 12462
7 Chhattisgarh 99 487292
8 Delhi 97 129857
9 Goa 29 7705
10 Gujarat 969 3822112
11 Haryana 359 819809
12 Himachal Pradesh 76 146769
13 Jammu & Kashmir 69 250169
14 Jharkhand 58 236680
15 Karnataka 223 676832
16 Kerala 199 81705
17 Lakshadweep (UT) 1 15
18 Madhya Pradesh 302 1293574
19 Maharashtra 619 1009693
20 Manipur 2 4500
21 Meghalaya 4 8200
22 Mizoram 3 4001
23 Nagaland 3 7150
24 Orissa 179 572966
25 Pondicherry (UT) 3 85
26 Punjab 697 2315096
27 Rajasthan 180 611831
28 Sikkim 2 2100
29 Tamil Nadu 183 382683
30 Telangana 74 410905
31 Tripura 14 46354
32 Uttar Pradesh 2406 14714235
33 Uttrakhand 55 191314
34 West Bengal 514 5947311
8186 37425097


(Source: Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) upto 2009, National Horticulture Board (NHB), National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan (HMNEH) & Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI))