A sum of Rs.164.57 crore released, to States/UTs for construction of sanitation facilities in AWCs


The number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) functioning in the country As on 30th June, 2022, State-wise is placed at Annexure-I.

The details of funds allocated to these centres during last three years are placed at Annexure-II.

The number of Anganwadi Kendras functioning in buildings without proper sanitation facilities is around 3.6 lakh. The cost of construction of sanitation facilities in AWCs were fixed at Rs 12000/- way back in 2017-18. This norm were not found sufficient for construction of a standard child friendly toilet in AWCs due to cost increase in last few years. The cost of the same has now been revised to Rs. 36000/-. The states have been seeking funds for toilet construction under the revised norms. A sum of Rs.164.57 crore has been released, to States/UTs for construction of sanitation facilities in AWCs.


The number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) functioning in the country, State-wise as on 30th June, 2022

S NO. State/UT No. of Functional Anganwadi Centres
1 Andhra Pradesh 55607
2 Arunachal Pradesh 6225
3 Assam 61715
4 Bihar 112094
5 Chhattisgarh 51664
6 Goa 1262
7 Gujarat 53029
8 Haryana 25962
9 Himachal Pradesh 18925
10 Jharkhand 38432
11 Karnataka 65911
12 Kerala 33115
13 Madhya Pradesh 97135
14 Maharashtra 110427
15 Manipur 11510
16 Meghalaya 5895
17 Mizoram 2244
18 Nagaland 3980
19 Odisha 74154
20 Punjab 27305
21 Rajasthan 61852
22 Sikkim 1308
23 Tamil Nadu 54439
24 Telangana 35700
25 Tripura 9931
26 Uttar Pradesh 189430
27 Uttarakhand 20067
28 West Bengal 119481
29 A & N Islands 719
30 Chandigarh 450
31 Dadra & N Haveli & Daman and Diu 405
32 Delhi 10897
33 Jammu & Kashmir 28078
34 Ladakh 1138
35 Lakshadweep 71
36 Puducherry 855
  TOTAL 1391412




The details of the funds allocated to those centres during each of the last three years:

Sl. No. State/UTs Fund released under Anganwadi Services (Rs. in lakhs)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 ANDHRA 69100.42 69281.1 74460.38
2 BIHAR 127888.7 127059.6 157443.1
3 CHHATTISGARH 48339.67 50434.13 60514.42
4 GOA 1559.15 2024.07 1083.56
5 GUJARAT 68684.12 61594.01 83343.97
6 HARYANA 18029.66 18113.67 17303.35
7 JHARKHAND 43355.99 45784.76 35297.77
8 KARNATAKA 76966.72 68641.75 100370.2
9 KERALA 32140.86 31991.6 38797.67
10 MADHYA 121491.9 122037.6 108546.9
11 MAHARASHTRA 133136.2 118783.2 171338.9
12 ODISHA 85993.04 84652.26 93659.57
13 PUNJAB 20144.35 17029.04 38351.68
14 RAJASTHAN 58453.75 63125.61 68264.63
15 TAMIL NADU 64868.45 61071.19 65538.13
16 TELANGANA 45841.08 39931.03 48232.68
17 UTTAR PRADESH 236406 198558.9 239978.6
18 WEST BENGAL 116399.8 104720.9 66835.22
19 DELHI 13293.2 10087.07 13291
20 PUDUCHERRY 489.43 424.39 277.8
21 HIMACHAL 25181.85 25552.07 24798.74
22 JAMMU & 31999.86 28902.02 40573.74
23 UTTARAKHAND 30309.77 32450.25 35365.25
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 1190.78 1525.44 1452.18
25 CHANDIGARH 1347.93 1227.33 1407.78
26 DADAR & 573.81 901.54 933.39
27 DAMAN & DIU 267.58
28 LADAKH 0 2299.04 1467.47
29 LAKSHADWEEP 132.51 204.43 210.23
30 ARUNACHAL 12430.77 8191.64 17082.84
31 ASSAM 121893 108068.4 131989.9
32 MANIPUR 16157.52 17383.44 22892.04
33 MEGHALAYA 18484.66 17693.12 17332.82
34 MIZORAM 4814.39 7421.38 5178.09
35 NAGALAND 15370.48 14921.34 15465.18
36 SIKKIM 2023.9 2429.48 2573.06
37 TRIPURA 16615.07 15237.47 18672.47
Total 1681376.37 1579754.27 1820324.71


This information was given by the Union Minister for Women & Child Development, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani in a written reply in the Lok Sabha