278 LMT foodgrains allocated free of cost to approximately 80 Crore beneficiaries under PMGKAY


The Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution,   Ms. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today informed that during the year 2021 for the period of 7 months i.e May-November, 2021 about 278 LMT foodgrains have been allocated free of cost to approximately 80 Crore NFSA beneficiaries under PMGKAY).

Similarly, about 322 Lakh Metric Tons (LMT) of food-grains had been allocated to approx. 80 crore beneficiaries during the period of 8 months i.e April-November in 2020.

In pursuance of the pro-poor measures  under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package as part of the Economic Response to COVID -19, Govt of India had launched scheme i.e Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana(PMGKAY) for additional allocation of food-grains from the Central Pool @ 5 kg per person per month free of cost for all the beneficiaries covered under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)/National Food Security Act(NFSA) (Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) & Priority Households(PHH)) including those covered under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

State/UT-wise details of allocation of foodgrains under PMGKAY schemes since its inception is:

SN States/UTs Total Allocation

under PMGKAY 2020 (In MTs)

Total Allocation

under PMGKAY 2021(In MTs)

1 Andaman &

Nicobar Islands

2434.48 2130.17
2 Andhra Pradesh 1072920.00 938775.81
3 Arunachal Pradesh 32844.84 29412.01
4 Assam 1006116.96 878654.56
5 Bihar 3463588.53 3049071.94
6 Chandigarh 11112.95 9780.23
7 Chhattisgarh 803080.00 702695.00
8 Daman & Diu D&NH 11482.44 9434.94
9 Delhi 290932.96 254729.83
10 Goa 21279.76 18626.34
11 Gujarat 1530143.48 1195998.83
12 Haryana 505960.00 442715.00
13 Himachal Pradesh 114578.24 100255.96
14 Jammu And Kashmir 289101.03 253437.35
15 Jharkhand 1054800.92 922950.81
16 Karnataka 1607720.00 1406755.00
17 Kerala 619200.48 541800.42
18 Ladakh 5755.80 5036.29
19 Lakshadweep 880.00 765.31
20 Madhya Pradesh 2185680.00 1689043.93
21 Maharashtra 2800680.00 2450587.10
22 Manipur 98526.02 65105.57
23 Meghalaya 85820.68 75093.10
24 Mizoram 26728.60 23387.53
25 Nagaland 56187.48 49164.05
26 Odisha 1294384.64 1135157.42
27 Puducherry 25284.94 21910.50
28 Punjab 565800.00 495295.57
29 Rajasthan 1786480.00 1540043.58
30 Sikkim 15151.52 13257.58
31 Tamil Nadu 1429348.48 1276427.78
32 Telangana 766480.00 670676.65
33 Tripura 99788.02 87088.66
34 Uttar Pradesh 5915765.97 5151722.66
35 Uttarakhand 247786.85 216790.00
36 West Bengal 2407350.80 2106431.95
Total 32251176.85 27830209.34