Government to establish Health Disaster Training Institute in the State : Minister, H & F. W.s


Meeting of Empowered Group of Ministers on COVID-19 held through Video Conference discussing on the situation of COVID-19 in the State. Hon’ble Minister, Health & Family Welfare, Odisha Sri Naba Kisore Das has proposed to establish Health Disaster Training Institute in the State to create more trained Health Professionals and to study Health Disaster Management and further research incorporating all Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and other Paramedical Studies.  Odisha should look forward for self sufficiency in Pharmaceutical Industries and other Medical devices Manufacturing Industries so as to export other States even to Foreign Counties at the time of Health Hazards.

Minister Sri Das emphasised on increasing number of testes for COVID-19 for quick diagnosis and to control the spread. More numbers of Testing Kits must be procured immediately, further the identification of quarantined isolated persons should be strictly monitored by the COVID-19 team and their movements be restricted in view of the recent cases of Bhubaneswar.

At present, only one machine for COVID Test has been provisioned for VIMSAR, Burla which is quite insufficient looking into the area of operation. So, two more machines be installed at VIMSAR, Burla for testing of COVID patients in ordered to ensure proper treatment. Further looking into the growing trend of COVID patients in the State, Few more testing centres be opened in places like DHH, Kalahandi, BB MC&H, Bolangir, SUM Hospital, KIIMS Hospital & HI-Tech Medical College & Hospital at Bhubaneswar.

Health Department has been instructed to adopt detailed SOP for treatment of COVID patients replicating the best practices implemented in other States following WHO Guidelines Minister Sri Das said.