Proposals for Inter-State River Linking 


National Water Development Agency (NWDA) has received 47 proposals of intra-state links from 9 States viz. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh. Out of these, Pre-Feasibility Reports (PFRs) of 36 and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) of 3 intra-state links have been completed by NWDA. The list of intra-state link proposals received and their present status is given in Annexure.

The DPRs of Kosi-Mechi and Burhi Gandak-Noon-Baya-Ganga intra-state links of Bihar have been completed and sent to Government of Bihar. The techno-economic clearance for Kosi-Mechi link project has been accorded by the Advisory Committee of Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. The DPR of Burhi Gandak-Noon-Baya-Ganga link project has been prepared by NWDA and submitted to Central Water Commission (CWC). CWC has suggested toconsider the project as a Flood Protection Scheme and the same has been communicated by NWDA to Government of Bihar. NWDA has recently completed DPR of Ponnaiyar (Nedungal) – Palar link of Tamil Nadu.



Present status of the Intra – State link proposals received from the State Governments

Sl. No. Name of  intra-state link Rivers Present status of  PFR/DPR
1. Wainganga (Goshikurd) – Nalganga (Purna Tapi) Wainganga & Nalganga PFR completed
2. Wainganga – Manjra Valley Wainganga & Manjra PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

3. Upper Krishna – Bhima (system of Six links) Krishna & Bhima PFR completed
4. Damanganga (Ekdare)- Godavari Valley Damanganga &


PFR completed
5(i) Upper Vaitarna-Godavari valley Vaitarna&Godavari PFR completed
5(ii) Damanganga-Vaitarna-Godavari (Kadva Dev) Valley Damanganga, Vaitarna & Godavari PFR completed
6. North Konkan – Godavari Valley Patalganga &


PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

7. Koyna – Mumbai city Koyna PFR completed
8. Sriram Sagar Project (Godavari) – Purna – Manjira Godavari, Purna & Manjira PFR completed
9. Wainganga  (Goshikurd) – Godavari (SRSP) Wainganga & Godavari Withdrawn by Govt. of Maharashtra
10. Middle Konkan – Bhima Valley Savitri, Kundalika,

Amba & Bhima

PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

11. Koyna – Nira Koyna & Nira PFR completed
12. Mulsi – Bhima Mulsi & Bhima PFR completed
13. Savithri – Bhima Savithri &


PFR completed
14. Kolhapur – Sangli – Sangola Krishan &


PFR completed
15. Riverlinking projects of Tapi basin and Jalgaon District Tapi PFR completed
16. Nar – Par – Girna valley Nar, Par &


PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

17. Narmada – Tapi Narmada & Tapi PFR completed
18. Khariagutta – Navatha Satpura foot hills Dropped Not accepted by Technical Advisory Committeeof NWDA for PFR studies.
19. Kharia Ghuti Ghat – Tapi Dropped
20. Jigaon – Tapi – Godavari Valley Tapi &


PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

21. Damanganga – Sabarmati – Chorwad Damanganga, Sabarmati & Chorwad PFR completed
22. Mahanadi – Brahmani Mahanadi & Brahmani PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

23. Mahanadi – Rushikulya (Barmul Project) Mahanadi & Rushikulya PFR completed
24. Vamsadhara – Rushikulya (Nandini Nalla project) Vamsadhara & Rushikulya PFR completed
  Jharkhand   PFR completed
25. South Koel – Subernarekha South Koel & Subernarekha PFR Completed
26. Sankh – South Koel Sankh & South Koel
27. Barkar – Damodar – Subernarekha Barkar, Damodar & Subernarekha PFR Completed
28. Kosi – Mechi [entirely lie in India] Kosi & Mechi DPR completed. Techno-economic clearance given by Advisory Committee of MoWR, RD & GR.
29. Barh – Nawada Ganga & Kiul PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

30. Kohra – Chandravat (now Kohra-Lalbegi) Kohra & Chandravat PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

31. Burhi Gandak – None – Baya – Ganga Burhi Gandak, None, Baya & Ganga DPR completed
32. Burhi Gandak – Bagmati [Belwadhar] Burhi Gandak & Bagmati PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

33. Kosi – Ganga Kosi & Ganga PFR completed
34 Development of Bagmati Irrigation & Drainage Project-Phase-II (Barrage near Kataunjha in Muzaffarpur District) and Adhwara Multipurpose Project with Kosi-Adhwara-Bagmati Link Kosi, Adhwara & Bagmati PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

35 Transfer of Ganga water to South Bihar through pump Canal Scheme at Buxer Ganga Initially, NWDA consented to take up the work but after receiving the details from Govt. of Bihar, it was found that these are not intra-state links therefore not taken up.
36 Development of Badua-Chandan Basin Badua & Chandan
37. Sone-Falgu link Sone & Falgu Preliminary Study not completed


38. Mahi – Luni link Mahi & Luni PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

39. Wakal – Sabarmati – Sei – West Banas – Kameri link Wakal, Sabarmati, Sei, West Banas & Kameri PFR completed

(Not found feasible)

  Tamil Nadu    
40. Ponnaiyar – Palar link Ponnaiyar & Palar DPR completed


41 Almatti (Bagalkot)-Malaprabha Sub-basin Almatti & Malaprabha Prima Facie Not found feasible
42 Malaprabha-Tungabhadra Sub-basin Malaprabha &


Prima Facie Not found feasible
43 Bedti – Dharma – Varada link Bedti, Dharma & Varada PFR completed
44 Bhadra-Vedavathi(Vani Vilasa Sagar) link Bhadra &Vedavathi Government of Karnataka withdrew the proposal during 11th meeting of Special Committee for ILR
45 Diversion of west flowing rivers schemes(Barapole-upper cauvery link) Barapole & upper Cauvery
46 Diversion from Bedti & Aghanashini to Varada Aghanashini &


Found feasible for preparation of PFR
47 Pairy-Mahanadi link Pairy & Mahanadi PFR completed


  • PFR- Pre  Feasibility Report
  • FR- Feasibility Report
  • DPR- Detailed Project Report
  • NWDA- National Water Development Agency

This information was given by Union Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Shri Arjun Ram Mehgwal in a written reply in Rajya Sabha

Casualties of Soldiers 

The details of defence personnel killed in different operations / encounters during the last four calendar years are as under:-

Year Army Navy Air Force
Officers PBOR Officers Sailor Officers Airmen
2014 02 27 02 06 07 06
2015 02 48 02 Nil Nil Nil
2016 06 59 Nil 01 04 13
2017 05 34 Nil Nil 06 07


The Government takes all necessary measures for the protection of the Forces and minimization of risk factors on a continuous basis. The broad measures taken include upgration of security infrastructure and intelligence capabilities, refinement of operational drill and response mechanism, equipping the forces with state-of-art weapon, equipment and surveillance devices, medical support and quick casualties evacuation mechanism. Measures also include provisioning of bullet proof jackets. The details of bullet proof jackets procured in last three calendar years are as under:-

  2015 2016 2017
Army* Nil 50,000

(on GSQR 878)

Air Force 4884 2442 Nil
Navy Nil Nil Nil

* A contract has been signed on 9th April, 2018 for Capital Procurement of 1,86,138 bullet proof jackets through ‘Buy’ (Indian) route for Army.

The details of number of incidents of suicide in the defence forces during last four years, Force-wise & year-wise are as under:-


Year Army Navy Air Force
2014 84 04 24
2015 78 03 15
2016 104 06 19
2017 74 05 21


Various steps have been taken by the Armed Forces to create healthy / appropriate environment for their Officers and Other Ranks and to improve their morale. Some of these steps are as under:-

  • Provision of better quality of facilities such as clothing, food, married accommodation, travel facilities, schooling, recreation etc. and periodic welfare meeting.
  • Conduct of yoga and meditation as a tool for stress management.
  • Training and deployment of psychological counsellors.
  • Institutionalization of projects ‘MILAP’ and ‘SAHYOG’ by Army in Northern & Eastern Command to reduce stress among troops.
  • A ‘Mansik Sahayata Helpline’ have been established by Army & Air Force to take professional counselling.
  • Mental Health Awareness is provided during pre-induction training.
  • Formation of Military Psychiatry Treatment Centre at INHS Asvini and establishment of Mental Health Centres in Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Kochi, Port Blair, Goa and Karwar.


The details of strength of Officers in the three Armed Forces (excluding medical and dental), force-wise are as under:-

Service Authorised Strength Held Strength Shortage

(As on 1.1.2018)

49933 42635 7298

(As on 1.7.2018)

11352 9746 1606
Air Force

(As on 1.7.2018)

12584 12392 192


This information was given by Raksha Rajya Mantri Dr. Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Shri P.L. Punia in Rajya Sabha