Benefits of Implementation of Motor Vehicle Rules, 2021


As per the information available with the Ministry, the total number of Road Accidents and violation of road laws by drivers for last three years is as under : –


Number of Road Accidents

Year Over speeding Drunken driving/consum ption of alcohol

& drugs

Driving on wrong

side/Lane indiscipline

Jumping red light Use of mobile phone Others Total
2018 3,10,612 12,018 24,781 4,441 9,039 1,06,150 4,67,041
2019 3,19,028 12,256 24,431 4,443 10,522 78,322 4,49,002
2020 2,65,343 8,355 20,228 2,721 6,753 62,738 3,66,138

As per the information available with the Ministry, the State-wise details of the revenue collection through the new law and stricter penalties is as under : –

Sr.  No. State/ UT 1st Sep 2019 – 31st

Dec 2019

1st Jan 2020 – 31st

Dec 2020

1st Jan 2021 – 31st

Dec 2021

Total Amount of revenue collected  from fine/penalty during above period Total Amount of revenue collected  from fine/penalty during above period Total Amount of revenue collected  from fine/penalty during above period
1. Assam 9074600 148469001 528324111
2. Bihar 1289944377 2565190027 2575873821
3. Chandigarh 36650508 124676386 178427922
4. Chhattisgarh 882400 9685000 34196400
5. Delhi 776924720 2219662262 1420163497
6. Goa 74622 90969303 91477460
7. Gujarat 711176356 826225519 983224333
8. Haryana 588780418 2193795979 3263683428
9. Himachal Pradesh 37197039 432091171 249718390
10. Jammu & Kashmir   1449930 38365639
11. Jharkhand     16037753
12. Karnataka   387000 932500
13. Kerala 22750 130685756 878191262
14. Ladakh   23900 232525
15. Maharashtra 36355053 315578740 1614248634
16. Manipur   10 126001
17. Meghalaya   80100 6403500
18. Mizoram 8000 520400 1326000
19. Odisha 328687113 581389514 796731495
20. Puducherry 25600 1100 5541400
21. Punjab 12307978 65065611 71368467
22. Rajasthan 92889940 1253761845 2671963707
23. Sikkim   1259360 609700
24. Tamil Nadu 267552184 870410836 922475383
25. Tripura 1000 3509200 13729600
26. UT of DNH and DD 1690850 1304100 6271500
27. Uttar Pradesh 1292021279 3721297368 4474586493
28. Uttarakhand 25036017 88232497 198461148
29. West Bengal     260500
  Grand Total 5507302804 15645721915 21042952569

Data regarding number of persons who have been severely punished for driving under the influence of alcohol is not maintained. However, as per the information available with the Ministry, the number of challans issued across the country from the eChallan system for drunken driving cases in the last three years is as under : –

Sl. No. Year Number of Challan
1 2019 70444
2 2020 56204
3 2021 48144

This information was given by Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.