JSPL improves lives through Responsible Industrialization


JSPL is concerned about the environmental impact of industrialization and therefore has taken adequate measures & adopted state- of- the- art environment friendly technologies available in the world. JSPL believes that sustainable local prosperity is a key indicator of holistic growth that any investment can trigger. Therefore, to improve the Quality of life of the local people, JSPL in partnership with various Agencies has been implementing a number of sustainable community development projects in the areas of Health, Education, Sanitation, and Livelihood.

With socially responsible industrialization, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL) has triggered socio-economic development around its project areas. The Company is setting up a 6.0 MTPA integrated steel plant and captive power plant at Angul. The major plant facilities in the integrated steel complex will include a Sinter Plant, a Pellet Plant, a Coke Oven & By-Product Plant, a Coal Based Reduction Gas Facility, a DRI Plant, a Blast Furnace, a Steel Melting Shop, a Slab Caster, Plate Mill, a Hot Strip Mill, an Oxygen Plant, a Coal Washery, a Lime & Dolomite Plant and a Power Plant. The DRI Plant has the unique feature of using synthetic gas from the Coal Gasification Plant as reducing agent. The DRI/Coal gasification route is being used for the first time in the world and has the advantage of using high ash coal which is predominantly available in the vicinity of the project site.

The company has already invested over Rs 17,000 Crore in its Angul project. The first phase is almost ready with the commissioning of Steel Melting Shop with 250 T Electric Arc Furnace that is largest Electric Arc Furnace in India, Plate Mill of 1.2 Million Tons per annum capacity and 6X135 MW Captive Power plant. The Plate Mill is capable of producing 5 m wide plates, making it the widest plate producing mill in the country. The Coal gasification plant is in the final stages of commissioning and is expected to be ready soon. The CGP – DRI route, once ready, will mark the completion of the First Phase of the Project.

As a responsible corporate entity, JSPL is very concerned about the environmental impact and therefore has taken adequate measures & adopted state- of- the- art environment friendly technologies available in the world. Among the very steps that have been taken by the company towards protecting the environment & reducing soil degradation, is the usage of fly ash bricks in place of conventionally used red bricks in entire construction at the project sites. JSPL also believes that sustainable local prosperity is a key indicator of holistic growth that any investment can trigger. Therefore, to improve the Quality of life of the local people, JSPL in partnership with NRHM, NACO, NABARD, DIC, ORMAS and various other Government Agencies has been implementing a number of sustainable community development projects in the areas of Health, Education, Sanitation, and Livelihood. Several Farm based and Non-Farm based livelihood projects are being implemented by the Company to enhance the family income of participant families. So far 865 women have benefited from different types of income generation training.  With the support of JSPL, the trained women are successfully running their Micro Enterprises in SHG mode. Besides, 1800 farming households are being mobilized through Farmers’ Clubs and Village Watershed Committees.  Some unique  social initiatives implemented by JSPL are the (i)  Certified Skill training of more than 2500 youth under OP Jindal  Community College (ii) Integrated watershed development in collaboration with NABARD and (iii) the adolescent anemia control in both Chhendipada and Banarpal block through a PPP programme “the Kishori Express”.  For its contribution to community development, JSPL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work has also received many National and International awards. The Golden Peacock award, Greentech CSR award, CII awards, Tefla’s CSR awards are some examples.

With the Plant, JSPL has created huge opportunity for employment in Odisha. More than 20000 people are engaged in regular and contractual roll of the plant and earning their livelihood directly from JSPL. Against the HLCA Guideline of providing 90%, 60% and 30% of jobs under the unskilled / semi skilled, skilled / Highly Skilled and Supervisory / Managerial categories, JSPL has provided 98%, 66% and 47% of jobs, respectively, to local people. Besides, there have been significant indirect employment opportunities, mostly local people take advantage of these. A recent Study on the Socio-Economic Impact of Land Acquisition for JSPL, Angul by NABARD Consultancy Services indicate that post industrialization, the income jump of the Displaced Families have been over 100% and that of the Project Affected Families to the tune of 83% The Poverty Induced migration level in surrounding villages of the plant has been reduced drastically and there has been a palpable shift in borrowing pattern from private money lenders to institutional credit.
Despite the positive socio-economic impact triggered by the JSPL Project in Angul, there are certain infrastructural gaps impending the Plant Operation. The Production Units, in first phase of the Plant, are ready and the plant is expected to be fully commissioned soon. The lack of assured raw materials at economical prices as well as difficulties in completing 28 KMs long raw water pipeline are key challenges for the project. The Company is hopeful about the support of the District Administration for laying the remaining length of 3.1 kms of the underground water pipeline, not finished because of some local resistance related to issues which are not directly connected with the Company. The Company is also optimistic that the Government will grant the Mining Lease for Coal soon and support for long term iron ore linkage for the steel plant.

Moreover, JSPL needs the help of the administration for starting the next phase of project work, on the land which has been acquired already for the project. Without this, it will not be possible for the Company to continue to bear the load of employing local people which it has already undertaken.