Release of 2017-18 (Second Advance Estimates) of Area and Production of various Horticulture Crops


 The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare has released the 2017-18(2nd Advance Est.) of Area and Production of Horticulture Crops. These Estimates are based on the information received from different States/UTs in the country.Following table summaries the All- India Final Estimates: 2016-17 and 2017-18(2nd Advance Estimates):

Total Horticulture 2016-17 2017-18 % change of 2017-18

(2nd Adv. Est.)


    Second Adv. Est. 2016-17
Area (‘000  Ha) 24851 25406 2.23

(‘000 Tonnes)

300643 307159 2.17

            As per the 2nd Advance Estimates prepared on the basis of information received from State Departments of Horticulture / Agriculture and various agencies like Directorate of Arecanut & Species Development (DASD), Directorate of Cashew & Cocoa Development (DCCD) and National Bee Board (NBB) the total horticulture production of the country is estimates to be 307.2 Million Tonnes during 2017-18 which is 2.2% higher than the previous year and 8.6% higher than the past 5 year’s average production.

The Production of fruits is estimated to be about 94.4 million tonnes which is about 2% higher than previous year production of vegetables is estimated to be about 182 million tonnes which is about 2.2% higher than previous year. Onion production in the current year is likely to be around 218 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17(Final) which when compared to 5 years average is about 8% higher. Potato production is estimated at 503 Lakh Tonnes as against 486 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17 (Final) which is about 3.5% higher than the previous year. Tomato production in the current year is likely to be around 220 lakh Tonnes as against 207 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17 (Final Est.) which is about 6.6% higher than the previous year.