Impact of Demonetization on Farmers 


Total quantity of certified/quality seeds sold to the farmers in the Country was 304.04 lakh quintals in 2015-16 increased to 348.58 lakh quintals in 2016-17.Total quantity of fertilizers sold to the farmers in the Country were 92.99 lakh Metric Tons  in November and December, 2015 increased to 99.63  lakh Metric Tons in November and December, 2016. State-wise details of rabi and kharif crops sown from 2014 to 2018 are in annexure I and II respectively.The national growth rate of crop sector in 2014-15 was -3.7 per cent,  in 2015-16 was -3.2 per cent and  in 2016-17 was 6.9 per cent.

In the year 2016-17, growth rate of crop sector was increased to 6.9 percent.



State-wise crop sown in Rabi season from 2014 to 2018
(Area in 000 ha.)
State 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Andhra Pradesh 2026.00 2247.0 1892.00 2154.00
Assam 868.80 852.7 865.21 874.00
Bihar 3305.64 3190.7 3222.06 3132.50
Chhattisgarh 869.81 809.9 874.30 756.90
Gujarat 1715.00 1426.0 1685.00 1856.00
Haryana 3195.40 3199.0 3138.30 3138.00
Himachal Pradesh 374.08 382.8 390.83 381.88
Jammu & Kashmir 386.08 337.7 347.09 356.03
Jharkhand 657.64 634.9 884.02 973.89
Karnataka 3098.00 3444.0 2611.70 3296.00
Kerala 46.05 48.4 44.98 46.38
Madhya Pradesh 10888.19 10907.0 11602.17 11213.00
Maharashtra 5796.00 5552.0 6494.60 5185.50
Orissa 752.45 667.6 639.67 570.58
Punjab 3596.20 3588.5 3565.40 3573.80
Rajasthan 7462.02 6941.2 7349.68 6906.41
Tamil Nadu 1213.21 1242.2 1069.69 1292.43
Telangana 968.00 681.0 1275.17 1389.00
Uttar Pradesh 12281.00 11506.0 12119.00 12088.00
Uttarakhand 420.12 408.3 408.00 398.00
West Bengal 2464.20 2597.1 2473.92 2638.48
Others 535.13 572.7 586.85 604.04
All-India 62919.03 61236.9 63539.64 62824.82




State-wise crop sown in Kharif season from 2014-2018
(Area in 000 ha.)
State 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Andhra Pradesh 3976.00 3597.0 3804.00 3561.00
Assam 2243.45 2246.5 2229.47 2209.00
Bihar 3901.50 3854.6 3917.94 3823.37
Chhattisgarh 4499.10 4514.7 4495.50 4420.37
Gujarat 7338.56 7161.4 7444.00 7450.00
Haryana 2505.40 2515.8 2653.90 2734.40
Himachal Pradesh 394.96 392.9 397.66 384.63
Jammu & Kashmir 631.70 629.7 633.47 637.48
Jharkhand 2169.14 2280.8 2536.84 2510.28
Karnataka 6824.00 6264.0 6937.10 6342.00
Kerala 155.91 154.5 133.99 146.81
Madhya Pradesh 12306.10 12761.0 13150.60 13180.00
Maharashtra 15116.00 15058.0 14725.30 15047.30
Orissa 4775.41 4485.1 4570.41 4323.78
Punjab 3548.60 3535.7 3405.00 3578.60
Rajasthan 10322.51 11303.8 11985.66 12030.11
Tamil Nadu 3189.96 3306.1 2559.56 3098.81
Telangana 3892.00 3757.0 3977.00 4168.00
Uttar Pradesh 11064.80 11309.0 11404.20 11061.00
Uttarakhand 610.82 598.6 590.00 574.00
West Bengal 5034.27 5146.7 5138.10 4797.06
Others 1172.63 1197.2 1206.09 1201.37
All-India 105672.81 106070.0 107895.78 107279.36


This information was given by Minister of State for Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Shri Parshottam Rupala.