Consumer Price Index numbers on base 2012=100 for Rural, Urban and Combined for the month of March 2018 


The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has revised the Base Year of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 2010=100 to 2012=100 with effect from the release of indices for the month of January 2015.

2.  The CPI (Rural, Urban, Combined) on Base 2012=100 is being released for the month of March 2018. In addition to this, Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) for all India Rural, Urban and Combined are also being released for March 2018. All India Inflation rates (on point to point basis i.e. current month over same month of last year, i.e., March 2018 over March 2017), based on General Indices and CFPIs are given as follows:

All India Inflation rates (%) based on CPI (General) and CFPI

Indices March 2018 (Prov.) February 2018 (Final) March 2017 (Final)
Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd.
CPI (General) 4.44 4.12 4.28 4.45 4.52 4.44 3.75 3.96 3.89
CFPI 3.63 1.22 2.81 3.70 2.45 3.26 1.85 2.42 2.01

Notes: Prov.  – Provisional, Combd. – Combined

3.         Monthly changes in the General Indices and CFPIs are given below:

Monthly changes (%) in All India CPI (General) and CFPI: Mar. 2018 over Feb. 2018

Indices Rural Urban Combined
Index Value % Change Index Value % Change Index Value % Change
Mar.18 Feb.18 Mar.18 Feb.18 Mar.18 Feb.18
CPI (General) 138.7 138.5 0.14 134.0 134.0 0.00 136.5 136.4 0.07
CFPI 137.0 137.4 -0.29 132.7 133.8 -0.82 135.5 136.1 -0.44

Note: Figures of March 2018 are provisional.

4.         Provisional indices for the month of March 2018 and also the final indices for February 2018 are being released with this note for all-India and for State/UTs. All-India provisional General (all-groups), Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for March 2018 for Rural, Urban and Combined are given in Annexure I. The inflation rates of important categories of items are given in Annexure II. State/UT wise provisional General CPI numbers for Rural, Urban and Combined are given in Annexure III. Inflation rates of major States, having population more than 50 lakhs as per population Census 2011, are given in Annexure IV. State/UT–wise Group CPIs are available on the Ministry’s website (

5.             Price data are collected from selected towns by the Field Operations Division of NSSO and from selected villages by the Department of Posts. Price data are received through web portals, maintained by the National Informatics Centre.

Next date of release:  14th May 2018 (Monday) for April 2018.                    


Annexure I

All India Consumer Price Indices

(Base: 2012=100)

Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1.1.01 Cereals and products 12.35 136.4 136.8 6.59 134.8 135.0 9.67 135.9 136.2
1.1.02 Meat and fish 4.38 143.7 143.6 2.73 143.0 142.9 3.61 143.5 143.4
1.1.03 Egg 0.49 140.6 140.1 0.36 139.9 135.3 0.43 140.3 138.2
1.1.04 Milk and products 7.72 141.5 141.7 5.33 139.9 140.1 6.61 140.9 141.1
1.1.05 Oils and fats 4.21 122.9 123.5 2.81 116.2 116.6 3.56 120.4 121.0
1.1.06 Fruits 2.88 149.4 153.1 2.90 135.5 138.5 2.89 142.9 146.3
1.1.07 Vegetables 7.46 142.4 138.0 4.41 136.9 128.0 6.04 140.5 134.6
1.1.08 Pulses and products 2.95 130.2 129.2 1.73 117.0 115.5 2.38 125.8 124.6
1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 1.70 117.9 117.1 0.97 115.4 114.2 1.36 117.1 116.1
1.1.10 Spices 3.11 135.6 136.3 1.79 140.7 140.8 2.50 137.3 137.8
1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 1.37 130.5 131.0 1.13 125.9 126.2 1.26 128.6 129.0
1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 5.56 151.7 152.7 5.54 147.1 147.7 5.55 149.6 150.4
1 Food and beverages 54.18 138.7 138.5 36.29 135.6 134.8 45.86 137.6 137.1
2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 3.26 153.3 155.1 1.36 159.3 159.8 2.38 154.9 156.4
3.1.01 Clothing 6.32 148.7 149.2 4.72 136.3 136.8 5.58 143.8 144.3
3.1.02 Footwear 1.04 142.4 142.9 0.85 126.1 126.7 0.95 135.6 136.2
3 Clothing and footwear 7.36 147.8 148.3 5.57 134.7 135.2 6.53 142.6 143.1
4 Housing 21.67 141.3 142.0 10.07 141.3 142.0
5 Fuel and light 7.94 142.4 142.6 5.58 127.3 126.4 6.84 136.7 136.5
6.1.01 Household goods and services 3.75 139.9 140.0 3.87 129.9 130.8 3.80 135.2 135.7
6.1.02 Health 6.83 136.2 136.7 4.81 129.8 130.6 5.89 133.8 134.4
6.1.03 Transport and communication 7.60 123.3 124.5 9.73 117.4 117.9 8.59 120.2 121.0
6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 1.37 134.3 135.1 2.04 126.5 126.9 1.68 129.9 130.5
6.1.05 Education 3.46 141.5 142.6 5.62 137.2 138.0 4.46 139.0 139.9
6.1.06 Personal care and effects 4.25 128.8 129.2 3.47 126.2 126.7 3.89 127.7 128.2
6 Miscellaneous 27.26 132.5 133.3 29.53 126.5 127.1 28.32 129.6 130.3
General Index (All Groups) 100.00 138.5 138.7 100.00 134.0 134.0 100.00 136.4 136.5
Consumer Food Price Index 47.25 137.4 137.0 29.62 133.8 132.7 39.06 136.1 135.5


  1. Prov.        : Provisional.
  2. –               : CPI (Rural) for housing is not compiled.
  3.  The weights are indicative to show relative importance of groups and sub-groups. However, all India indices have been compiled as weighted average of State indices.


Annexure II

All India annual inflation rates (%) for March 2018 (Provisional)

(Base: 2012=100)

Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1.1.01 Cereals and products 133.6 136.8 2.40 132.7 135.0 1.73 133.3 136.2 2.18
1.1.02 Meat and fish 138.8 143.6 3.46 139.4 142.9 2.51 139.0 143.4 3.17
1.1.03 Egg 128.8 140.1 8.77 128.4 135.3 5.37 128.6 138.2 7.47
1.1.04 Milk and products 137.2 141.7 3.28 134.9 140.1 3.85 136.3 141.1 3.52
1.1.05 Oils and fats 121.6 123.5 1.56 114.0 116.6 2.28 118.8 121.0 1.85
1.1.06 Fruits 139.7 153.1 9.59 136.8 138.5 1.24 138.3 146.3 5.78
1.1.07 Vegetables 119.7 138.0 15.29 122.2 128.0 4.75 120.5 134.6 11.70
1.1.08 Pulses and products 148.0 129.2 -12.70 135.8 115.5 -14.95 143.9 124.6 -13.41
1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 116.9 117.1 0.17 120.3 114.2 -5.07 118.0 116.1 -1.61
1.1.10 Spices 135.6 136.3 0.52 142.6 140.8 -1.26 137.9 137.8 -0.07
1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 129.8 131.0 0.92 123.6 126.2 2.10 127.2 129.0 1.42
1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 145.4 152.7 5.02 142.4 147.7 3.72 144.0 150.4 4.44
1 Food and beverages 133.4 138.5 3.82 132.6 134.8 1.66 133.1 137.1 3.01
2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 144.2 155.1 7.56 147.5 159.8 8.34 145.1 156.4 7.79
3.1.01 Clothing 141.6 149.2 5.37 130.8 136.8 4.59 137.3 144.3 5.10
3.1.02 Footwear 136.2 142.9 4.92 122.8 126.7 3.18 130.6 136.2 4.29
3 Clothing and footwear 140.8 148.3 5.33 129.6 135.2 4.32 136.4 143.1 4.91
4 Housing 131.1 142.0 8.31 131.1 142.0 8.31
5 Fuel and light 134.2 142.6 6.26 120.8 126.4 4.64 129.1 136.5 5.73
6.1.01 Household goods and services 134.1 140.0 4.40 125.6 130.8 4.14 130.1 135.7 4.30
6.1.02 Health 130.6 136.7 4.67 123.1 130.6 6.09 127.8 134.4 5.16
6.1.03 Transport and communication 119.8 124.5 3.92 115.6 117.9 1.99 117.6 121.0 2.89
6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 128.3 135.1 5.30 122.4 126.9 3.68 125.0 130.5 4.40
6.1.05 Education 135.2 142.6 5.47 132.8 138.0 3.92 133.8 139.9 4.56
6.1.06 Personal care and effects 123.3 129.2 4.79 121.7 126.7 4.11 122.6 128.2 4.57
6 Miscellaneous 127.4 133.3 4.63 122.6 127.1 3.67 125.1 130.3 4.16
General Index (All Groups) 132.8 138.7 4.44 128.7 134.0 4.12 130.9 136.5 4.28
Consumer Food Price Index 132.2 137.0 3.63 131.1 132.7 1.22 131.8 135.5 2.81



  1. Prov.       : Provisional.
  2. –               : CPI (Rural) for housing is not compiled.


Annexure III

State/UT wise General Consumer Price Indices

(Base: 2012=100)

State/UT Code Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
Weights Feb. 18 Index
Mar. 18 Index
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
01 Jammu & Kashmir 1.14 146.9 147.0 0.72 134.7 134.5 0.94 142.6 142.6
02 Himachal Pradesh 1.03 140.1 139.4 0.26 131.7 132.7 0.67 138.6 138.2
03 Punjab 3.31 136.1 135.7 3.09 129.7 129.4 3.21 133.2 132.9
04 Chandigarh 0.02 138.1 138.3 0.34 130.4 130.4 0.17 130.8 130.8
05 Uttarakhand 1.06 132.8 131.5 0.73 128.9 129.0 0.91 131.3 130.6
06 Haryana 3.30 134.8 134.3 3.35 132.1 132.1 3.32 133.5 133.3
07 Delhi 0.28 131.9 132.0 5.64 138.1 137.5 2.77 137.8 137.2
08 Rajasthan 6.63 137.3 137.7 4.23 135.6 135.6 5.51 136.7 137.0
09 Uttar Pradesh 14.83 133.1 133.4 9.54 135.0 135.3 12.37 133.8 134.1
10 Bihar 8.21 139.3 139.7 1.62 132.9 133.6 5.14 138.4 138.8
11 Sikkim 0.06 146.5 147.5 0.03 140.6 141.9 0.05 144.6 145.7
12 Arunachal Pradesh 0.14 147.9 147.9 0.06 0.10
13 Nagaland 0.14 149.2 148.4 0.12 135.3 135.2 0.13 143.3 142.8
14 Manipur 0.23 160.3 163.2 0.12 132.5 132.7 0.18 151.5 153.5
15 Mizoram 0.07 139.3 139.5 0.13 127.2 127.7 0.10 131.9 132.3
16 Tripura 0.35 144.1 145.2 0.14 138.9 138.7 0.25 142.8 143.5
17 Meghalaya 0.28 139.8 139.5 0.15 128.5 128.2 0.22 136.3 136.0
18 Assam 2.63 136.8 137.0 0.79 131.0 131.3 1.77 135.6 135.8
19 West Bengal 6.99 139.7 140.9 7.20 136.6 136.5 7.09 138.2 138.8
20 Jharkhand 1.96 141.8 142.0 1.39 131.3 131.5 1.69 137.8 138.0
21 Odisha 2.93 140.6 140.7 1.31 131.0 131.0 2.18 137.9 138.0
22 Chhattisgarh 1.68 140.3 139.2 1.22 133.2 133.8 1.46 137.6 137.1
23 Madhya Pradesh 4.93 132.3 132.6 3.97 133.2 133.5 4.48 132.7 133.0
24 Gujarat 4.54 138.5 139.3 6.82 127.2 127.6 5.60 132.1 132.7
25 Daman & Diu 0.02 164.2 161.9 0.02 127.8 129.2 0.02 149.0 148.2
26 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.02 139.0 138.1 0.04 128.4 127.9 0.03 131.9 131.3
27 Maharashtra 8.25 141.8 141.2 18.86 130.1 130.0 13.18 134.0 133.8
28 Andhra Pradesh 5.40 142.3 142.1 3.64 135.3 134.8 4.58 139.7 139.4
29 Karnataka 5.09 139.1 139.2 6.81 139.0 139.3 5.89 139.0 139.3
30 Goa 0.14 151.8 151.1 0.25 132.1 132.2 0.19 139.7 139.5
31 Lakshadweep 0.01 132.1 132.4 0.01 129.2 128.8 0.01 130.6 130.6
32 Kerala 5.50 142.4 142.8 3.46 138.8 141.1 4.55 141.1 142.2
33 Tamil Nadu 5.55 140.1 140.6 9.20 138.0 137.9 7.25 138.9 139.0
34 Puducherry 0.08 141.9 141.2 0.27 134.5 134.3 0.17 136.4 136.1
35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0.05 143.8 144.9 0.07 133.4 132.4 0.06 138.5 138.5
36 Telangana 3.16 141.6 142.4 4.41 135.6 134.8 3.74 138.3 138.2
99 All India 100.00 138.5 138.7 100.00 134.0 134.0 100.00 136.4 136.5


1.             Prov.       :  Provisional.

2.             —             :  indicates the receipt of price schedules is less than 80% of allocated schedules and therefore indices are not compiled.



Annexure IV


Major State/UT wise annual inflation rates (%) for March 2018 (Provisional)

(Base: 2012=100)

State/UT Code Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
Mar. 17 Index
Mar. 18


Inflation Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
01 Jammu & Kashmir 138.4 147.0 6.21 127.1 134.5 5.82 134.4 142.6 6.10
02 Himachal Pradesh 134.1 139.4 3.95 125.4 132.7 5.82 132.5 138.2 4.30
03 Punjab 129.7 135.7 4.63 126.6 129.4 2.21 128.3 132.9 3.59
05 Uttarakhand 127.4 131.5 3.22 120.4 129.0 7.14 124.8 130.6 4.65
06 Haryana 130.6 134.3 2.83 124.2 132.1 6.36 127.6 133.3 4.47
07 Delhi 129.8 132.0 1.69 133.1 137.5 3.31 132.9 137.2 3.24
08 Rajasthan 134.9 137.7 2.08 129.9 135.6 4.39 133.1 137.0 2.93
09 Uttar Pradesh 129.0 133.4 3.41 128.1 135.3 5.62 128.7 134.1 4.20
10 Bihar 133.8 139.7 4.41 125.6 133.6 6.37 132.6 138.8 4.68
18 Assam 126.6 137.0 8.21 125.5 131.3 4.62 126.4 135.8 7.44
19 West Bengal 130.5 140.9 7.97 127.8 136.5 6.81 129.2 138.8 7.43
20 Jharkhand 134.9 142.0 5.26 124.7 131.5 5.45 131.0 138.0 5.34
21 Odisha 134.8 140.7 4.38 126.4 131.0 3.64 132.5 138.0 4.15
22 Chhattisgarh 135.3 139.2 2.88 125.1 133.8 6.95 131.4 137.1 4.34
23 Madhya Pradesh 128.1 132.6 3.51 127.3 133.5 4.87 127.8 133.0 4.07
24 Gujarat 135.2 139.3 3.03 124.6 127.6 2.41 129.2 132.7 2.71
27 Maharashtra 134.1 141.2 5.29 125.3 130.0 3.75 128.2 133.8 4.37
28 Andhra Pradesh 136.3 142.1 4.26 131.5 134.8 2.51 134.5 139.4 3.64
29 Karnataka 136.0 139.2 2.35 136.4 139.3 2.13 136.2 139.3 2.28
32 Kerala 134.5 142.8 6.17 133.4 141.1 5.77 134.1 142.2 6.04
33 Tamil Nadu 133.3 140.6 5.48 132.9 137.9 3.76 133.1 139.0 4.43
36 Telangana 135.5 142.4 5.09 131.9 134.8 2.20 133.5 138.2 3.52
99 All India 132.8 138.7 4.44 128.7 134.0 4.12 130.9 136.5 4.28


  1. Prov.               :  Provisional.