Accidents due to Drunken Driving 


As per the information received from police department of States/UTs, thenumber of road accidentsunder the drunken driving category of traffic violationduring last three calendar years i.e.2015 to 2017is as under:-

Year Road Accidents due to  Intake of Alcohol Total number of Road


%  share of total road  accident
2015 16,298 5,01,423 3.3
2016 14,894 4,80,652 3.1
2017 14,071 4,64,910 3.0

State-wise details of the same is given below:

S.No States/UTs Road Accidents under drunken driving category 2015 Road Accidents under drunken driving category 2016 Road Accidents under drunken driving category  2017
1 Andhra Pradesh 490 128 2064
2 Arunachal Pradesh 22 15 19
3 Assam 611 352 373
4 Bihar 1457 593 0
5 Chhattisgarh 227 145 86
6 Goa 6 3 10
7 Gujarat 361 64 65
8 Haryana 1092 529 180
9 Himachal Pradesh 50 72 214
10 Jammu & Kashmir 375 47 1
11 Jharkhand 1518 543 801
12 Karnataka 298 396 169
13 Kerala 49 133 133
14 Madhya Pradesh 2665 3083 1049
15 Maharashtra 1345 226 863
16 Manipur 0 71 44
17 Meghalaya 137 35 132
18 Mizoram 15 27 16
19 Nagaland 2 13 157
20 Orissa 972 1255 1533
21 Punjab 118 317 129
22 Rajasthan 667 673 421
23 Sikkim 30 12 32
24 Tamil Nadu 818 531 1833
25 Telangana 42 202 163
26 Tripura 13 5 11
27 Uttarakhand 6 40 56
28 Uttar Pradesh 2403 4633 3336
29 West Bengal 413 462 16
30 A & N Islands 30 27 13
31 Chandigarh 8 9 10
32 D & N Haveli 6 0 1
33 Daman & Diu 7 7 12
34 Delhi 40 164 124
35 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
36 Puducherry 5 82 5
  Total 16298 14894 14071