During the 12th Five Year Plan, States/ UTs had targeted to provide safe drinking water at reasonable distance to 5.56 lakh partially covered with service level of less than 40 lpcd potable water and quality-affected water quality issues in ground water sources rural habitations and as reported, achieved the coverage in 5.92 lakh rural habitations across the country. State/ UT–wise details of targets and achievement made therein during the 12th Five Year Plan period is annexed. Since August, 2019 Government of India in partnership with States, is implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) after subsuming erstwhile National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) to make provision of potable water to every rural household through tap water connection, by 2024.

A number of steps have been taken to plan and implement JJM in the whole country with speed, inter alia, which includes joint discussion and finalization of saturation plan and annual action plan (AAP) of States/ UTs, regular review of implementation, workshops/ conferences/ webinars for capacity building, training, knowledge sharing, field visits by multi-disciplinary team to provide technical support, etc. A detailed Operational Guideline for the implementation of JJM; Margdarshika for Gram Panchayats & VWSCs to provide safe drinking water in rural households; and Guidelines on a special campaign to provide piped water supply in anganwadi centres, ashramshalas and schools have been shared with States/ UTs to facilitate planning and implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission. For online monitoring, JJM–Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and JJM–Dashboard has been put in place. Provision has also been made for transparent online financial management through Public Financial Management System (PFMS).

This Information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel in a written  reply in Lok Sabha today.

State/ UT-wise details of the targets (as number of habitations) and achievement under erstwhile NRDWP in 2012-13 to 2016-17



Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
State/ UT Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement
A & N Islands  NR NR NR  NR 4  NR  5 NR 5 NR
Andhra Pradesh 5,477 5,699 5,798 6,378 2,744 2,819 980 1,905  1,005 1,373
Arunachal Pradesh 292 358 304 369  248 214 217  143 188  126
Assam 7,230 7,110 7,175 6,552 9,938 6,399 3,993 1,659  1,752  382
Bihar 15,015 10,960 13,832 12,787  13,000 12,236 5,692 7,189  7,777 1,289
Chhattisgarh 12,641 9,111 10,700 11,832  10,900 12,173 3,894 3,670  4,169  997
Goa  NR NR NR  NR NR  NR  2 NR 2 NR
Gujarat 1,150 1,856 1,050 4,085 1,075 2,498 961 1,193  32 1,605
Haryana 955 895 818 702  534 523 248  317 263  290
Himachal Pradesh 2,532 2,650 2,500 2,587 2,500 2,560 1,115 1,536  1,300  938
Jammu & Kashmir 1,279 1,153 955 901  803 642 359  233 380  260
Jharkhand 16,583 17,335 12,132 12,546  16,535 9,185 7,307 1,868  1,430 3,074
Karnataka 10,403 13,284 10,378 17,522  10,003 15,398 4,551  19,791 12,000  17,434
Kerala 696 668 924 356 1,000 221 429  432 463  291
Madhya Pradesh 17,074 17,483 13,050 13,858  10,876 12,378 5,421  11,478 338 7,420
Maharashtra 5,940 4,637 4,713 4,064 4,200 3,747 1,611 1,566  1,955 1,270
Manipur 250 197 250 260  200 224 52 80  50  103
Meghalaya 628 510 616 549  200 285 280  242 110 82
Mizoram 57 5  45 57 52 51 31 28  35 35
Nagaland 175 178  85 155  120 190 24  168  54  167
Odisha 12,209 19,484 13,500 18,447  13,500 20,521 8,620  15,224  9,300 8,196
Puducherry 30 NR  23  NR 23  NR  5 NR 5 NR
Punjab 1,473 617 1,939 1,227 1,850 570 261  251 779  647
Rajasthan 9,137 3,943 2,990 4,244 3,173 3,513 1,963 2,763  2,039 2,908
Sikkim 280 101 200 87  200 128 45 81  40 14
Tamil Nadu 7,000 7,203 6,000 5,742 4,805 8,622 1,494 1,390  3,269 2,910
Telangana NA NA NA NA 2,057 2,143 802 1,669 915 1,121
Tripura 1,052 1,323 1,178 1,120 1,382 1,538 525  938 565  571
Uttar Pradesh 24,000 23,727 25,000 22,666  24,500 10,461 2,334 4,300  1,354 1,838
Uttarakhand 1,085 983 1,083 988 1,056 976 473  479 495  484
West Bengal 4,152 4,236 4,600 3,347 4,620 5,891 2,497 5,295  4,766 5,217
  Total 1,58,795 1,55,706 1,41,838 1,53,428 1,42,098 1,36,106 56,191 85,888 56,835 61,042

NR: Not Reported, NA: Not Applicable                                                                                          Source: JJM-IMIS