India’s Cumulative Vaccination Coverage exceeds 18 Crore


The cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has exceeded 18 Cr today under the Phase-3 of the nationwide Vaccination Drive.

A total of 18,04,57,579vaccine doses have been administered through 26,02,435 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 96,27,650HCWs who have taken the 1st dose and 66,22,040HCWs who have taken the 2nddose, 1,43,65,871FLWs (1stdose), 81,49,613FLWs (2nddose), 42,58,756beneficiaries under 18-45 age group (1stdose), 5,68,05,772(1stdose) and 87,56,313(2nd dose) beneficiaries aged 45 to 60 years. 5,43,17,6461stdose beneficiaries and 1,75,53,9182nd dose beneficiaries of more than 60 years old.

HCWs 1st Dose 96,27,650
2nd Dose 66,22,040
FLWs 1st Dose 1,43,65,871
2nd Dose 81,49,613
Age Group 18-44 years 1st Dose 42,58,756
Age Group 45 to 60 years 1st Dose 5,68,05,772
2nd Dose 87,56,313
Over 60 years 1st Dose 5,43,17,646
2nd Dose 1,75,53,918
  Total 18,04,57,579



Ten states account for 66.73% of the cumulative doses given so far in the country.


3,28,216 beneficiaries of the age group 18-44 years received their first dose of COVID vaccine in the last 24 hours and cumulatively 42,58,756 across 32 States/UTs since the start of phase-3 of vaccination drive. Table below shows the cumulative vaccine doses administered to 18-44 years age group till now.


S. No. States Total
1 A & N Islands 1,176
2 Andhra Pradesh 2,624
3 Assam 1,60,139
4 Bihar 5,08,034
5 Chandigarh 974
6 Chhattisgarh 1,028
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1,663
8 Daman & Diu 2,036
9 Delhi 5,26,232
10 Goa 1,858
11 Gujarat 4,50,980
12 Haryana 3,99,946
13 Himachal Pradesh 14
14 Jammu & Kashmir 30,642
15 Jharkhand 32,469
16 Karnataka 1,08,059
17 Kerala 1,364
18 Ladakh 86
19 Madhya Pradesh 1,36,369
20 Maharashtra 6,40,922
21 Meghalaya 1,920
22 Nagaland 4
23 Odisha 1,23,086
24 Puducherry 2
25 Punjab 6,403
26 Rajasthan 6,14,253
27 Tamil Nadu 28,241
28 Telangana 500
29 Tripura 2
30 Uttar Pradesh 3,66,239
31 Uttarakhand 88,277
32 West Bengal 23,214
Total 42,58,756



More than 11 lakh vaccination doses were administered in the last 24 hours. As on Day-119 of the vaccination drive (14th May, 2021), 11,03,625 vaccine doses were given. Across 11,628 sessions, 6,29,445 beneficiaries were vaccinated for 1st dose and 4,74,180 beneficiaries received their 2nd dose of vaccine.

Date: 14thMay,2021 (Day-119)

HCWs 1stDose 8,861
2ndDose 16,604
FLWs 1stDose 39,258
2nd Dose 31,058
18-44 years 1st Dose 3,28,316
45 to 60 years 1stDose 1,83,313
2nd Dose 2,04,871
Over 60 years 1stDose 69,697
2nd Dose 2,21,647
Total Achievement 1stDose 6,29,445
2ndDose 4,74,180


India’s cumulative recoveries has reached2,04,32,898today. The National Recovery Rate is 83.83%.

3,53,299recoveries were registered in the last 24 hours. It outnumbers India’s Daily New COVID cases for the fourth time in the last five days.

Ten states account for 70.49% of the new recoveries.



India’s total Active Caseload has decreased to 36,73,802 today. It now comprises 15.07% of the country’s total Positive Cases.

A net decline of 31,091 cases is recorded in the active caseload in the last 24 hours.

11States cumulatively account for 77.26% of India’s total Active Cases.


The graph below highlights the change in active cases for states in the last 24 hours.


The change in number of active cases for states in the last 15 days is depicted in the graph below.


Foreign aid of relief materials continues to be swiftly cleared, apportioned and sent to States/UTs to combat COVID19. Cumulatively, 10,796 Oxygen Concentrators; 12,269 Oxygen Cylinders; 19 Oxygen Generation Plants; 6,497 ventilators/Bi PAP and over 4.2L Remdesivir vials delivered/ dispatched through road and air, so far.


3,26,098 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours.

Ten States reported 74.85% of the new cases in last 24 hours.

Karnataka has reported the highest daily new cases at 41,779. It is followed by Maharashtra with 39,923 while Kerala reported 34,694 new cases.


The National Mortality Rate currently stands at 1.09%.

3,890 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.

Ten States account for 72.19% of the new deaths. Maharashtra saw the maximum casualties (695). Karnataka follows with 373 daily deaths.