Mineral Exploration


The formulation and execution of the mineral exploration programmes of Geological Survey of India (GSI), an attached office of Ministry of Mines, are carried out in planned and time bound manner. All programmes are systematically evaluated at different levels and the same is approved in the Central Geological Programme Board (CGPB) meeting before initiation of the projects. As per annual field season program, GSI carries out ‘reconnaissance survey’ [G4], ‘preliminary exploration’ [G3] and ‘general exploration’ [G2] with an aim to augment resource for various mineral commodities.

During field season 2019-20 and 2020-21, GSI had taken up 338 and 180 nos. of G2/G3/G4 projects respectively for various mineral commodities. The details are tabulated in the Annexure.

The Government is aware of the role played by geologists in raising the level of the exploration in the country. The geologists of the Geological Survey of India, Central Public Sector Undertakings such as Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Limited, State Government Departments of Geology and Mining, State Public Sector Enterprises and Private Sector exploration entities are playing a crucial role in carrying out various exploration programmes and identification of mineral resources. As a result of exploration activities done by geologists, the following have been achieved:

  1. The Obvious Geological Potential [OGP] area has increased from 5.71 to 6.88 lakh sq. kms.
  2. A total of 180 nos. G2/G3 and 252 nos. G4 mineral blocks have been handed over to State Governments for auction.
  3. A total of 6 G2/G3 reports for Platinum Group of Elements [2 nos.], Potash [2 nos.] and Molybdenum [2 nos.] have been given for the first time to State Governments for auction. Also, a G4 block of Potash has been handed over to State Government of Punjab for auctioning as a composite licence.


Details of mineral exploration Project taken up during FS 2019-20 & 2020-21

(commodity-wise & stage-wise)

Field Season 2019-20 Field Season 2020-21
Commodity Target

(No of projects)


(No of projects)

Commodity Target

(No of projects)



(No of projects)

Iron Ore 26 26 Iron Ore 6 6
Manganese 24 24 Manganese 14 14


6 6 Chromite/


2 2
Gold 30 30 Gold 21 20*
PGE 9 9 PGE 1 1
Diamond 12 12 Diamond 2 2
Base metals 81 81 Base metals 45 45
REE & RM 50 50 REE & RM 18 17*
Molybdenum 4 4 Molybdenum 3 3
Nickel 12 12 Nickel 7 7
Tungsten 8 8 Tungsten 10 10
Tin 1 1 Lithium 3 3
Limestone 18 18 Scandium 1 1
Lithium 3 3 Bauxite 7 7
Antimony 1 1 Barite 2 2
Bauxite 12 12 Graphite 7 7
Vanadium 3 3 Potash 6 6
Graphite 6 6 Phosphorite 3 3
Dunite 1 1 Coal 17 17
Potash 5 5 Lignite 3 3
Phosphorite 2 2 Shale Gas 2 2
Gypsum 2 2
Decorative & Dimension Stone 1 1
Heavy mineral 1 1
Coal 17 17
Lignite 2 2
Shale Gas 1 1
Total 338 338 Total 180 178*


Note: *2 items of NER (1 in Gold and 1 in REE) pertaining to FS: 2020-21 are running as spillover project during current FS 2022-23 for completion of remaining drilling. The delay in drilling is due to tough terrain condition and local disturbances. The remaining drilling target for both the blocks will be achieved by Aug, 2022.


This information was given by the Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Lok Sabha