Implementation of Smoking Ban at Public Places


Section (4) of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 (COTPA 2003) prohibits smoking in public places provided that in a hotel having thirty rooms or a restaurant having seating capacity of thirty persons or more and in the airports, a separate provision for smoking area or space may be made.The enforcement of provisions of COTPA, 2003 and Rules made thereunder primarily lies with the States/Union Territories. For effective implementation of this Section, Central Government has notified authorized officers from various Departments and also advised States/Union Territories, from time to time, for strict compliance of COTPA, 2003.


As per the information received from States/Union Territories, the number of persons fined and amount of fine collected for violation of the provisions of Sections 4 & 6 of COTPA, 2003 during the last three years is given below:

Status of the number of people fined/challaned and amount collected for violation of Sections -4 & 6 of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 (COTPA, 2003) for last three years

(As per the information received from the States/Union Territories)



States/UTs Section-4 Section-6(a) Section-6(b)

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.)
Andhra Pradesh 4850 599970 0 0 0 0
Arunachal Pradesh 8 1600 0 0 2 400
Assam 271 67,890 58 11,500 396 79,690
Bihar 1893 285445 590 33605 0 0
Chandigarh 443 208800 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh 81 15780 10 2250 0 0
Delhi 1727 313015 1211 399595 635 203210
Gujarat 63020 4696500 5504* 956870* 5504* 956870*
Haryana 3879 302214 0 0 4 800
Himachal Pradesh 46258 75,52,000 0 0 0 0
Jammu and Kashmir 628 47595 05 150 53 4950
Jharkhand 112 15974 51 10200 0 0
Karnataka 19235 2075581 88 13850 209 31570
Kerala 162606 33893900 714 445850 3786 1137800
Madhya Pradesh 11 640 0 0 0 0
Maharashtra 715^ 109480^ 715^ 109480^ 715^ 109480^
Mizoram 961 66,360 30 1,340 0 0
Nagaland 0 0 0 0 229 43,850
Puducherry 0 0 73 17800 0 0
Punjab 26909~ 1515062~ 26909~ 1515062~ 26909~ 1515062~
Rajasthan 186488~ 2859396 186488~ 220305 186488~ 10250
Sikkim 38 4650 15 3000 13 2150
Tamil Nadu 17194 3001980 1272 279050 2790 519540
Telangana 3293 3293 0 0 0 0
Uttar Pradesh 3277 308701 74 11920 67 10700
Uttarakhand 731 99650 115 20350 0 0





States/UTs Section-4 Section-6(a) Section-6(b)

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.)
Andhra Pradesh 2313 287150 0 0 0 0
Arunachal Pradesh 4 800 0 0 4 800
Assam 230 43232 39 10300 256 41,238
Bihar 2091 328825 483 47942 0 0
Chandigarh 3776 755200 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh 942 170910 148 25120 10 620
Delhi 4311 928980 771 273250 256 111300
Gujarat 66345 5081763 4816* 805315* 4816* 805315*
Haryana 3017 199262 0 0 0 0
Himachal Pradesh 36120 37,35,203 0 0 0 0
Jammu and Kashmir 447 29580 02 200 0 0
Jharkhand 650 93563 276 55200 45 9000
Karnataka 33226 2975547 1546 185870 948 109325
Kerala 110028 21277150 657 373750 3513 514080
Madhya Pradesh 191 14880 3 300 4 200
Maharashtra 4249 338670 380 64528 117 21070
Mizoram 445 27,500 35 1,750 13 2,600
Nagaland 0 0 0 0 129 25,740
Puducherry 0 0 25 3800 0 0
Punjab 25139~ 1546895~ 25139~ 1546895~ 25139~ 1546895~
Rajasthan 20027~ 1530216 20027~ 87290 20027~ 11280
Sikkim 27 4400 05 800 14 2450
Tamil Nadu 15499 2702155 1024 219250 4058 837750
Telangana 3293 580010 0 0 0 0
Uttar Pradesh 1310 131458 77 14590 22 4200
Uttarakhand 1541 85946 9 1200 1 100





States/UTs Section-4 Section-6(a) Section-6(b)

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.) No.

of persons fined

Amount collected (in Rs.)
Andhra Pradesh 961 158730 0 0 0 0
Arunachal Pradesh 5 1000 0 0 1 200
Assam 27 148 0 0 62 4240
Bihar 555 62796 130 950 138 2400
Chandigarh 1511 302200 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh 1355 185079 321 65726 990 8690
Delhi 5805 1043720 299 93000


Gujarat 65770 5109367 8712* 1434970* 8712* 1434970*
Haryana 3528 298224 70 1400 0 0
Himachal Pradesh 56936 50,54,267 0 0 0 0
Jammu and Kashmir 858 30,480 0 0 01 200
Jharkhand 820 114785 318 63600 78 15600
Karnataka 45558 4541572 945 125123 1139 114195
Kerala 23129 4498800 75 103000 843 113100
Madhya Pradesh 565 37580 41 3720 117 14580
Maharashtra 10517 2594247 905 184650 1006 209160
Mizoram 515 31,150 34 3,720 83 5,850
Nagaland 16 3,200 0 0 266 49,930
Puducherry 0 0 0 0 24 8700
Punjab 23886~ 1314215~ 23886~ 1314215~ 23886~ 1314215~
Rajasthan 29885~ 2544836 29885~ 95487 29885~ 5000
Sikkim 17 2600 07 900 11 1870
Tamil Nadu 21027 6632860 1581 330300 4844 1010400
Telangana 927 139100 0 0 0 0
Tripura 15 2620 23 2180 1 200
Uttar Pradesh 1221 158610 34 6750 22 4320
Uttarakhand 5407 272450 57 8300 213 10800


* Total number of persons fined/amount collected under Section-6(a) and Section-6(b) of COTPA, 2003 collectively.

^ Total number of persons fined/amount collected under Section-4, Section-5, Section-6(a), Section-6(b) and Section-7 of COTPA, 2003 collectively.

~Total number of persons fined/amount collected under Section-4 and Section-6 of COTPA, 2003 collectivelyThe Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.