Dharmendra Pradhan dedicates augmented ICU Ventilator facilities for treatment of Covid patients at Rourkela
Minister of Steel and Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pradhan today dedicatedto the people, augmented ICU Ventilator facilities atIspat Post Graduate Institute (IPGI)...
While the Chinese steel sector is by far the largest in the world today, India is poised to occupy the next position in the...
38 Moussigned at Bhubaneswar Steel Conclave
Capital Goods(CG) producers from across the globeinked 38 MoUs with Indian steel companies which will reduce imports for the steel sector worthRs 39,400 crore.TheMoUs...
New Sponge Iron Industries
The details of State/Union Territory wise number of sponge iron plants operational during FY 2020-21 in the country, including Uttar Pradesh are as following:-
Comprehensive Action Plan for fulfilment of Industrial ambition of Odisha
Production of 100 Million Tonnes of Steel per year and 50% of its value addition in Odisha by the year 2030 calls for a...