Foodgrain Storage Capacity 


Depending on requirement in specific areas and for modernization of storage facilities, Government has been implementing following schemes for construction of godowns and silos in the country:

  1. Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee (PEG) Scheme: Under this Scheme, which was formulated in 2008, storage capacity is created by private parties, Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) and State Government Agencies for guaranteed hiring by FCI. A capacity of 141.82 LMT has been created as on 31.10.2018. Under this scheme, no funds are allocated by Government for construction of godowns and full investment is done by the private parties/CWC/State Agencies by arranging their own funds and land. After a godown is constructed and taken over by Food Corporation of India (FCI), storage charges are paid to the investor for a guaranteed period of 9/10 years irrespective of the quantum of foodgrains stored.
  2. Central Sector Scheme: This scheme is implemented in the North Eastern States along with Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Kerala. Funds are released by Government to FCI and also directly to State Governments for construction of godowns. A total capacity of 1,91,180 MT has been completed by FCI and State Governments during last 5 years from 01.04.2013 up to 31.10.2018.
  3. Construction of Steel Silos: In addition to conventional godowns, construction of steel silos has been undertaken in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode for modernizing storage infrastructure and improving shelf life of stored foodgrains. As on 31.10.2018, a capacity of 11.75 LMT silos has been created.

Sufficient storage facilities are available for storage of central pool foodgrains stock in Andhra Pradesh. As on 31.10.2018, Storage capacity available with FCI for central pool stock is 12.32 Lakh MT [Covered – 10.72 LMT and Covered Area Plinth (CAP) – 1.60 LMT] against available foodgrain stock of 6.41 Lakh MT.

Current Storage capacity in the country is 877.37 Lakh MT (Covered – 749.90 LMT and CAP – 127.47 LMT) with FCI and State agencies as on 31.10.2018. The State-wise details are enclosed at Annexure-I.

The details of procurement of Rice, Wheat and pulses by FCI and State Government agencies for current marketing season are at Annexure-II.

The  storage  cost  incurred  by  FCI  for  storing  different  grains  in godowns is as given below:-

  (Amount Rs. Lakh)
Year   Storage Cost
2015-16   2,12,757.03
2016-17   2,37,593.51
2017-18   2,71,339.91


This information was given by the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, and Shri C.R. Chaudhary in Lok Sabha today.


Click here to see Annexures